Hi Guys,
Im hoping this forum will help me.... A few months ago i had my first panic attack. I was at work and felt dizzy, and thought i was going to faint. I then laid down on the work couch and the started to panic. An ambo was called went to hospital and they put it down to low blood pressure, but then i went into panic.
I had a miled one, when i went into the shopping centre. I got out of there as quick as i could took a zanax and got over it very quickly.
My last one was on TUESDay, now this one has knocked me about. I was driving after getting some medical test, whilst driving i kept thinking about it, i had no xanax, ending up pulling over into a church (desparate hoping someone could help me). No one there of course. My husband then came and got me, i was hyperventilating, dry reaching. Made him take me to hospital... Of course i didnt get much help there. Just said i was having a panic attack, i was still dry reaching, crying they gave me a valium and sent me home.
That was 3 days ago, since then i still feel very nervous, feel sick in my stomach, on edge, cant seem to do anything, extremely tired ( i feel if i sleep i escape) I wake up with my heart racing.
I cant get into see my Gp till Monday, and phycologist still Monday. I take avanz 45 mg every night, and xanax as needed. At the moment im taking one xanax as soon as i wake up. Then half at lunch and another half about 4.
I have 2 girls that are aware of whats going on, but im trying to keep it together, for them. But its extremely hard.
I dont have any family to rely on so this is also hard.
I havent been out since the tuesday it occured.
Prior to this i was doing well. My Phycologist was happy, but i just could do the exposure excercises, which he wanted my to bring on an attack, by trying to hypoventilate. But if tuesday was any indication, i just cant to it.
Im still having after effects 3 days later.
PLEASE I BEGGING for some help some TIPS anything THEY MAY have worked for you guys.
IM DESPERATE for any help programmes anything.