As the title says I am completely lost. I don't feel like myself anymore and for the past 2 weeks it's been absolute hell. My life doesn't feel real anymore, I can't focus or concentrate on anything, when I talk to people it doesn't even feel like I'm thinking the words just come out of my mouth. I don't feel any emotion and I'm not happy or sad I'm just here. I get these anxiety attacks but the problem is I have absolutely no idea what's causing them. I am in my senior year of high school, I have plenty of friends at school. I work out everyday and have a good relationship with my parents. I eat healthy and I don't do any drugs. The only panic attack I've had before this is when I put 4 tea bags into a cup and I began freaking out really bad after. This was the first time I didn't feel real and I had absolutely no idea what was going on. The next morning I felt fine again, few days later I can't concentrate, don't feel real and don't have any significant emotion. I just finished crying because I want my life back, I just want to be normal again. I have a psychiatric appt monday but until then I'd like to hear from you guys.
What is wrong with me?