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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Exclamation Help! Hes only 8 and he's already in councilling....

    Has anyone here been through or know of anyone going through councilling at 8 years old? My little cousin is already in councilling for stress and eating disorders... WTF HES 8!!!!!!!! Please help im so worried about him. Hes shouldnt be going through the crap at 8 years old he should be happy! His life isnt hard whatsoever... Hows he going to cope when hes older... hes never going to make it through life in this world like this... please help its sending my stress wild!! this isnt fair to him why should he be dealing with this s*** at 8? I mean come on what the hell is this world coming to that a child can suffer a dam eating disorder and stress and anxiety disorder....

    Ive heard it can be generic I hope it wasn't my fault (((((((

    Help... i just want to curl up in a ball a cry my heart out for him.... someone please help...

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    How about you look at this from a positive angle...

    I know it seems crazy, but on the flip-side, perhaps it's better to have help now which could help his future? Perhaps he's one of the lucky ones.

    Maybe if everyone of us anxious folk had help when we were younger - we wouldn't be in the predicament we are in now.

    We live in a tough world. Money / career / image / relationships / health / food... they are all big issues for us to deal with and I reckon we NEED better / tougher education in order to prepare us for it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    As someone who has been through intensive therapy for eating disorders throughout my early twenties, I can verify that children are presenting with symptoms at earlier ages than ever before.

    But I agree with Dazza - early intervention is the best way to cure EDs and as terrible as it is that your little nephew is enduring this, he has real hope for a positive outcome.

    Your role in this is to be there for him. Talk to him about what he is going through, remove the stigma and be positive about any progress he makes. It certainly isn't your fault.

    Let us know how the little guy is doing.



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