Hi all, I am new here and hoping this site will help me deal with all this anxiety. I've been struggling with anxiety and depression for about 8yrs and it seems to be getting worse. Well, at least the anxiety part. I believe a lot of my anxiety comes from worry, I worry about anything and everything. Work is a HUGE worry for me, I've always hated working and have always been harder on myself than I should have. What I mean by that is, I'm the kind of person who expects perfection right away, I dont like making mistakes, getting talked to, feeling like a failure..... I also dont deal well with change. If I am expected to do something outside of my comfort zone i.e pretty much anything not in my immediate job description I freak out. Ive even had to leave work because of high blood pressure caused by anxiety because i was asked to work at the front desk.
My work is currently undergoing a buy out. We have been bought out but a huge corporation and its freaking me out. We all have to go through extensive training since everything will be different, systems, policies, procedures, etc. A lot of the training is being done off site traveling to "the city" I hate traffic, I hate driving to the city there are too many people, cars, one way streets, and i have no clue where I am going. Weeks ahead of time I am stressing about where Im going, if ill be late, where to park, all kinds of silly things that shouldnt even be on my mind.
I am the only one like this? Ive never met anyone thats as anxiety ridden. It effects my life, my job, and my over all well being. Im sick of it! I want to just have ONE day where im not worried about something, and be able to sleep though the night w/o nightmares, and worries.