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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Social Anxiety, Personal Anxiety


    Throughout every day, I feel as if I can't really stand in the presence of people without getting extremely socially awkward and panicking. I'm kind of a people-person, but somehow, even with my closest friends, I still feel like I can't handle being in front of them without things being extremely nerve-wracking.

    Not only that, I constantly[ feel as if I need to please everyone, and if not, I literally panic about not being able to accomplish anything. If I don't do anything or if I do something wrong, I feel as if I let them down or they hate me. Therefore, I try to do as many things as possible to wear myself down just to please everyone. But still, I have the sense that people aren't pleased with me, and that I can do so much better.

    As much as people tell me that I'm over-doing it, I still feel worthless, and yet every time I do, I hyperventilate about it. At times, there are just nights where I have to sit on the floor because I cannot breathe because I am overthinking what I have and haven't done to please people. I guilt myself into saying "you can do more, what are you doing with your life," and with every thought, it just makes my breathing a bit worse each time.

    I have a constant fear of disapproval from people, how people view me, and when people get angry toward me. Once someone is angered by me, I take it personally, and yet, I feel as if I need to fix it as much as I can to make them not be angry. It's literally a paranoia in which I think everyone hates me when they don't.

    I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I've felt the same way. Feels good to know I'm not alone.

  3. #3
    Wow! Sounds like u are describing me!!! It really bothers me if someone doesn't like me or is angry with me. This is a really tough one for me because I am a supervisor and my job is to have people follow rules. I tend to just do things myself instead of telling the staff that they need to do their jobs. This way I don't make someone mad!! I fail as a supervisor because of this one issue. Of course then I feel like I am making the owner upset because I don't have a " backbone". Ugh! It is a never ending cycle.



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