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Thread: Hello, everyone

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Hello, everyone


    I'm new here obviously, but have suffered from anxiety pretty much my whole life and was only officially diagnosed with GA last year. I have trouble making new friends and when I do it takes forever for me to just get over there to introduce myself. Maintaining the friendship is hard too. I am always alone and more and more everyday I find that I would rather be around people even though larger groups are uncomfortable for me at times. Right now I'm trying to figure out what it is that I want to do for a career. I keep changing my mind because I have no faith in myself and I don't know what I can do or can't do. Even when I take personality tests or career tests, I don't know if my answers really ring true or if I just have no idea who I am because of the lack of social experience. It's so frustrating. Rrr! I hope there are people in similar situations like me so I can get some tips and whatnot....

    Anyways, nice to meet you guys! Haha!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Hi, I am the same with meeting people. I want to make effort so badly, but I can never bring myself to do it. As for a career, its a hard hard buisness, and even harder for an anxiety sufferer. I will finsih this course in 2 years and im terrified of what is going to happen after. Am i good enough, or will my anxiety get the better of me. And how will I bebale to handle an interview, when I can barly handle everyday situation. I have made a personal promise that whatever I do I want to enjoy it, and feel it helps others. I dont care about pay, I just want to beable to do it and hopfully wake up and want to go. I guess we can just hope theres a job out there with our names on it!
    And just go ahead and try something, its hard to have faith in yourself with anxiety, because your mind is filled with dark thoughts. But youll never really no until you try. That first step will be hard but when you realise you are capable of doing it, youll get a super confidence boost.
    I hope you do find your calling, whatever it might be!!x



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