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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Unhappy Mild Anxiety, HELP

    Hi all,

    Im 17 years old this year and I am attending school. In my school, we were to stand up still to sing the National Anthem and take the National Pledge before lesson starts. And whenever this happens, I realize I cannot stand still, i will shiver in fear and on better days I shiver less, on worse days, I shivered so badly that I wanted to sit down and stop the shivering all at once. It seems like I fear something, which I don't know what it is. It all happened this year and I am really wondering why. Other than that, I get embarrassed easily. In other words, I get red face easily. Sometimes I can be talking to my friend halfway, and I have this mentality that something got struck into my head and that's it, oh no, i know my face is going to get red. And I have to do something to stop it from happening. Sometimes I take a slow walk and calm myself down. Sometimes, I just let it be red. I hate that feeling, because it is so so so humiliating. I have been visiting the school counselor for quite some time and she let me stand at the back of the school hall and that indeed makes me feel better. I shiver lesser, sometimes I don't even shiver at all! But the flushed face still happens, and Im quite sure all of these are symptoms of Anxiety. Why is this happening?

  2. #2
    The infamous red face- you're speaking my language, girl. I have very fair skin and when I am embarrassed, my face will go a fair share of magenta. I'm not even kidding. And when people start to point it out? It gets a ton worse. Oy. I've found that putting on a light coat of foundation in the morning helps keep this at bay. It still happens sometimes, and both that and the shivering are classic, classic symptoms of anxiety.
    As to why they're happening? You may never know all the reason(s), but while it's still mild, now is a good time for you to be joining the forum and trying out different methods (relaxation, EFT, etc.) that will help bring you back from it when it starts.
    "Every chance that you get is a chance you seize."

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by NatalieRegina
    The infamous red face- you're speaking my language, girl. I have very fair skin and when I am embarrassed, my face will go a fair share of magenta. I'm not even kidding. And when people start to point it out? It gets a ton worse. Oy. I've found that putting on a light coat of foundation in the morning helps keep this at bay. It still happens sometimes, and both that and the shivering are classic, classic symptoms of anxiety.
    As to why they're happening? You may never know all the reason(s), but while it's still mild, now is a good time for you to be joining the forum and trying out different methods (relaxation, EFT, etc.) that will help bring you back from it when it starts.
    I'm so sorry to hear that you are of the same situation as I am. I know how you feel, it sucks~ I have fair skin tone too, and that makes the red colour on my face more obvious. And yes! Whenever they point out my flushed face, I will blush harder. And that is extremely humiliating for me. I know putting light foundation helps, but my school don't allow make ups. Thank you! I am already looking through all the forums and findin out the root cause of my problems through them. Thank you so much.



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