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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Should I talk to my doctor about medication or do a natural therapy?

    Hello, I hate long questions, so I'll keep it nice and short.

    I got a few issues I need help with. For about 6 years I've had these problems and it all started with a nightmare about my Dad dying in 2011. 2011 came and went and my Dad is still here, but I still have this problems.

    1) I worry about my health and the health of my loved ones. I worry mainly about getting a serious illness (cancer) and I fear every little bump or bruise is cancer.

    2) I hear voices in my head. These voices tell me to do things, say things, they even tell me to kill myself!

    3) I have the need for perfection in everything I own, I need a perfect laptop, perfect speakers, perfect lotion bottle... etc. I also need everything to be in even numbers or numbers that are dividable by 5.

    4) I get depressed suddenly. One moment I'm happy, the next I'm considering suicide (although I would never attempt it, just considering the idea) and fearing death (ironic, I know)

    My questions are:

    A) What do I have, if anything?
    B) Should I ask for medication, wait for the doctor to give me medication or take no medication at all and do some natural therapy?
    C) If you know any natural therapies that you would recommend, please let me know

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Sounds to me you may be Schizophrenic or bi-polar with some OCD. I am not a doctor. Have you seen a doctor for this at all?

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TheWhiteRabbit View Post
    Sounds to me you may be Schizophrenic or bi-polar with some OCD. I am not a doctor. Have you seen a doctor for this at all?
    Nope, not yet. I was considering talking to a doctor, but I felt I could fix it myself.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2012
    I don't think its schitzophrenia because a lot of the time schitzophrenics don't know there poorly, you obviously do, its does sound a little bit like bipolar but u won't know till you see your doctor..
    I've got to say it sounds like severe anxiety and depression, these thoughts are your own your just allowing them to control you, first bt of advice get to doctors make sure its nothing else.
    I range from up and down but I always tell myself it will pass, and it always does, I have a slight OCD about things, nothing to bad I just like things a certain way and it pisses me off when someone moves things that I put a certain way! Lol..
    Natural therapy to try? Hypnotherapy I've seen a hypnotherapist twice, he put these things on my fingers to monitor my reaction to things, when he first did it my reading was 90 when normal peoples are usually 70! He said that my body does not show what's going off in my head and managed to get it down to 71, the next time it started a 71 and went down to 40! Anyway after the second time I saw him I had a dream that night I have no idea what about just remember thinking 'oh I forgot about that, I feel better now' and my anxietys been so much better ever since!
    Also CBT is supposed to be really good, I start that next week so I'll tell you how it goes! I definately know its brilliant for OCD!
    I don't use any medication by the way but it could work for you..
    Anyway good luck in what you choose to do, go see your doctor and remember it all gets better in the end!

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    May 2012
    > 3) I have the need for perfection in everything I own, I need a perfect laptop, perfect speakers, perfect lotion bottle... etc. I also need everything to be in even numbers or numbers that are dividable by 5.

    Blimey... it's a good job we have 10 fingers and 10 toes then, eh?

    I dread to think what you'd have done if this wasn't the case...

  6. #6
    dont worry ...i think its not Schzophrenic ....if it is so ...you will live in unreal world and never worried about that ...thought are obsessive and you need to go to doctor and do some relaxation and deep breath exercise .....80% symtoms are on anxiety ...did you get thought that you should suicide or just scared by the thought of it ? ....second one is common anxiety symptoms



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