Hello, I'm new to the forums and would like to share my expierence in hopes of finding a way to treat my newly developed anxiety. I recently started getting anxiety about a month ago after i had taken some mdma. My doc thinks it may have re-wired my brain or something like that. He put me on .5mg of Risperdal that I take before I go to bed. I have had anxiety feelings about 24/7 since it started and just recently started to get a little depressed. I wake up feeling like crap lately as well. I usually try to go shoot some hoops to clear my mind which helps a little bit. I also recently had a panic attack which was new for me as well. I'm always more worried about the anxiety feelings/depressed feelings then something actually causing the anxiety to flare up. Nothing scares me more then the anxiety and depression itself. I also don't really enjoy taking doctor prescribed meds and was wondering if there was a more natural way to go about treating myself. I know there is therapy that i want to look into as well. Any suggestions on how I can start feeling better and get back to my normal life would be great as this anxiety is starting to take its toll on me.
