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  1. #1

    Medication - Effexor

    Hi guys,

    I weaned myself off of Lexapro bc it made me gain weight. It really worked for my anxiety, but I'm getting married so I wanted to go off of it.

    My anxiety came back full throttle. My doctor prescribed me to Effexor. Does anyone have any thoughts or opinions on the drug?

    I took my first one last night and it made me feel kind of wired, but now I feel sleepy.

    It was 63 bucks for a months supply, is that really how much it is or do I just have crappy insurance? My Lex was only 10 a month.

    Im hoping this starts working soon b/c im not doing well at all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    I have been on/off lexapro twice now due to weight gain and both times anxiety came back worse have tried cymbalta and effexor with no luck- well cymbalta I lost kilos in a few days i was so sick on it I can't tolerate the snri drugs......I am now trying prozac(and occasional ativan) which seems to be getting better (2.5 week mark) if I have to go to lexapro again as I know it works well I will stay on weight watchers to keep the weight down- my gp said its not the tablet but they way it makes you crave bad foods.....
    hope your better today-its rough I know as I have been there this past few weeks to.....

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I was on Effexor for 6 months. had to get off of because I could not take the generic and the real one was so expensive. The withdrawl is awefull! But it did work for me. I take 80mg of prozac now. They just upped my dose so we will see.



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