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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Columbus, Ohio

    Insomnia May Lead to Higher Anxiety Levels, Study

    Hi Everyone,

    I thought this new study might be of interest to those of you in the forum. Berkeley researchers found that sleep loss increases the risk of anxiety, especially in those already anxious or with an anxiety disorder. While increased anxiety with insomnia isn't necessarily breaking news, the interesting part of the study was that - thru fMRI scans - they isolated the part of the brain where the increase in anxiety occurs. It was in a part of the brain known as the amygdala.

    I posted the details of the study at my website, The Healthy Mind. Just for disclosure, my site is not a commercial site. I am not selling anything, I have no sponsors or advertisers. I created The Healthy Mind as a means to get information and mental health news out to my patients and any others who may be interested. Feel free to read my website's mission statement to get a sense of who I am am and what the site is about.

    I just thought this research study might help everyone's understanding.

    Never doubt how truly powerful you are!!

    Peter Zafirides, MD

  2. #2
    how do i sign up for your website ? im dealing with alot right now .
    more physical pain and sickness from anxiety and stress..i really need some insight dr..

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Columbus, Ohio

    you can just google "the healthy mind Dr Zafirides" and it should get you there. i want to respect the forum rules and not post a url.


  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Sleep is very important to release stress and anxiety, most people always feel nervous if previous night they didn't sleep well.



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