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  1. #1

    Unhappy Headachessssssss!:(

    Ok, despite all my other symptoms.. I seem to keep getting headaches at around 2:30 everyday. It starts throbbing, aching and hurting. It is a pretty severe and painful headache. It always happens in the same place.. on the crown of my head on the left side at the top in a smallish spot. I have been to the doctor to many times this year so i want to avoid going again. I have always been afraid of a brain tumor but i heard that brain tumor patients get there headaches in the morning. I have occasionally got them in the morning, but not that often. But i also heard you get brain tumor head aches in the same place to. Hmmmm, i'm never usually tense at the time i get headaches though, I am at school and i never have my mind on it.

    What could this be? I don't mind if its just a short answer..
    Last edited by ellen1; 05-11-2012 at 01:23 PM.

  2. #2
    It sounds like tension headaches I get them all the time, look it up on the net it will tell u all sorts on it x

  3. #3
    I had tension headaches when I first started with anxiety. It was a dull like tight band feeling across my forehead and I had one for over a week! Antibiotics, stretching and exercise sorted it out though. If you are really worried then go visit your doctor, headaches aren't to be overlooked in few cases. Think of the factors that involve your lifestyle.. do you get enough sleep? Exercise? Spend a lot of time sat at a computer? Eat healthy? All these contribute to different types of headache. In my case, I needed to do stretches of my back and neck to relieve all the tension points.. if you try and find them on the back of your head/neck and press down you'll know if they are coming from your muscles as you pain will shoot up to the point of the pain in your head! Massaging this helps in the short-term, but other than regular pain killers and ibuprofen you kind of just have to sit them out until they dissapear. If you're getting them every day then it's considered chronic and nothing to worry about most of the time. If family members (mum or dad) suffer from headaches you may get them too. All factors to think about before worrying that something is really bad, but if it continues in the long run to just go and have a talk to your doctor

  4. #4
    thanks for the help! I don't want to ask 20 questions but is it normal to feel dizzy and nauseous with them aswell? x

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    May 2012
    It is true that tension headaches aren't anything to worry about- however, tension headaches are more generalized than you're describing. You said it was in a small-ish area? Well I wouldn't worry about it, but if you're going to the doctor for a check-up anytime soon, I would mention it, just to make you feel better. I always find a qualified professional's assurance is better than most!

    And to your last question, yes, dizziness and nausea I've found is quite common- my girlfriend is dizzy quite often and it usually goes with nausea and her headaches, from the anxiety. Anxiety does weird stuff!

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    May 2012
    Hey I get them every day at 9:30 PM. I can always tell my boyfriend when it's almost 9:30 because that's when my head starts throbbing.
    I've used it as a "self-timer" to take my anxiety medicine. I'm not sure if I get the headaches as withdrawls from my medicine or if it's from more anxiety. Soon after I take my pill it goes away again.



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