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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012

    it's been a few months now, not sure what to do

    Hey, i'm new here so kinda nervous to post. But it seems quite nice to be in a place where people might understand.

    I'm going to sum up what I've been going through recently:
    -I have had anxious and depressed feelings for over 7 months now
    -When I am not around anyone I know, even on a bus or train I can just end up in tears if I feel down.
    -The tiniest things can trigger me into upset, such as running out of loo paper, spilling a drink, forgetting to do my laundry.
    -I haven't cut myself since I ended up in hospital 7 months ago but recently I have been having urges to do it again.
    -I haven't gone back to the doctors since my self-harming incident because I applied to the armed forces and don't want this on my medical record (although I've come to realise there is obviously a reason they don't accept people with depression onto the forces).
    -I haven't told anyone about my feelings, it makes me uncomfortable. The one time I tried to confide in my mother about it she fobbed it off and got a bit annoyed at my suggestion that I may be suffering from depression or anxiety or both.
    -My mind is constantly thinking, I can't turn it off. I struggle to get to sleep and when i do it is very lightly, I have vivid dreams and often wake up in the night with hot sweats.
    -Recently I have cried less and don't feel as unhappy as I used to, but my stress levels are through the roof. While I am not as down I am now extremely irritable, angry, stressed, can't turn my brain off, and the urges to self-harm have returned.

    It feels relieving to just write down how I feel. I could never imagine confessing this to someone face to face. I just wish I could make this go away on my own, but I've waited over 7 months now and it's still here...

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Florida, USA
    Are you on any meds or in therapy? Alankay

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    nope, because I didn't want anything on my med record cause of my application to the armed forces so I haven't sought out any help. I find it hard admitting that I may need help if I'm honest.



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