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  1. #1

    Unhappy anxiety making me feel so ill everyday, making me miss days off school!

    Please read the whole thing and reply, i would appreciate it.

    Hello i need to know how to get rid of feeling ill, i am not googling my symptoms anymore and but i have been crying everyday worrying about whats causing this and its always at night and i worry incase its cancer or something. BUT! I must explain what has been going on with me since january. I'm feeling worse and worse everyday and i dont know why. I will explain all my symptoms:
    Headaches in the same place, severe nausea, vision problems, twitches, itchy dry skin, hives and other allergy problems, weakness, strange purple marks/lines on my skin, fatigue and exaution, weakness, strange and messed up thoughts, memory loss and confusion, Dizzyness, now this has been the worst of the lot: extremley bad joint shooting pains and aches, muscle aches, weird feelings i cant explain, sweating and breathing difficulties.
    I've also had more infections and my glands in my neck are swollen alot.
    This is driving me mad, how to i get rid of every single one of these symptoms? Also i feel so ill at night sometimes that im scared i will die in my sleep and then in the morning i always think "wow im shocked that im alive" PLEASE HELP IM GETTING SO ILL AND IM SCARED?. And i feel stupid!
    Last edited by ellen1; 05-07-2012 at 01:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Hay Ellen

    Just wanna let you knw your not alone .. I've been feeling the same symptoms I swore I was reading something I wrote.
    I've been with constant back pain and it's causes everything else to hurt . The trouble breathing . The dizzy the nauseous ..I mean everything
    So don't think your alone. It's all a mind thing anxiety and your mind can make all these symptoms feel so real. I know I'm going threw this now. I'm also afraid to fall asleep with the thought I'm not gonna wake up .
    I can't say what to do to keep your mind busy . I'm in the same boat

  3. #3
    Thats a really helpful reply! Thank you its made me feel like im not on my own suffering x

  4. #4
    I have a lot of these symtoms too & like you I worry a lot when I'm in bed I think it's because you think more & when my partners asleep I feel kind of alone & scared I went to the doctors a lot petrified of cancer I went every week swearn to them I had it somwere I was google'n my symtoms ( worse think you can do ) Evry little ache & pain scares me iv stopped thinking about it a lot & just try to dismiss the awful thoughts but it's always gona be in the back of my head that I have it and no1 knows :/ x

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Your symptoms are no different than that of a flu. If you had the flu you would have a running nose, upset stomach, nausea, etc. It's the same with anxiety. Depersonalization, weakness, the thoughts, memory loss, confusion, and so on.

  6. #6
    Thanks for all the helpful replies x

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Ellen! ur not alone! I myself have most of ur sympthoms... Don't worry and relax.. It's anxiety messing with us... Don't worry ur healthy..

  8. #8
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    And stop being scare!! Ur just feeding ur anxiety!!

  9. #9
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I've been feeling so much the same for about 7 months. I'm not sure how much more I can take. The morning are now the worst for me. I'm still too scared to sit up for fear of how I will feel everyday.



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