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  1. #1

    Strange dizziness feeling like my heads spinning

    I havent made a post on here in a while, because my family and i have all noticed a difference in my stress levels. They have gone right down and i have become far more relaxed then i was! Despite still feeling pretty ill every day (nausea, headaches, shooting pains in limbs) blah blah blah.. i have been getting this strange dizzy feeling. It feels like blood swirling round my head, it makes me feel really unstable and really dizzy! I sometimes cant see properly (blurry) and it feels like loads of pressure in my head, face and ears. Its horrible! It really is, ive never had dizziness to this extreme.

    Is this related with anxiety? Should i see my doctor, or just except its anxiety?

  2. #2
    OH! I forgot to say i can hear the swirling in my head..

  3. #3
    Any help?

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hi there, I've found that when I'm anxious I can get dizzy and feel very weird, medication can also cause these feelings along with lack of sleep, dehydration or even needing glasses. Inner ear problems can also cause dizziness so it would be worthwhile seeing the doctor and perhaps an ENT specialist. I had a condition years ago called labyrinthitis which affects your inner ear- swishing noises, dizzy, feeling off balance and really tired. Unfortunately the vertigo attacks I had with the condition would trigger panic attacks and now I have real fear of feeling dizzy.
    Anyway, it could be your anxiety or something unrelated so it's def worth seeing your doctor and getting it checked out.



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