
My name is Rob and I'm 30. I have been suffering with crippling anxiety and depression for 10 years!

I have learned a lot in this time and decided a few years ago to not let me stop living!

The world of iphone apps changed me and I decided to do a camp out outside an Apple Store for 10 nights!

I did this to test myself! I was at the point of not being able to leave my house or ride on public transport. The idea was to force myself outside my comfort zone and knew I will grab a lot of media attention and knew i would be forced into talking to hundreds of people!

The experience changed me and it was an extreme type of therapy.

The book is called Bin There Done That and is on Amazon Kindle and you can also read it in your browser if you are interested.

Just search Rob Shoesmith on Amazon.

It chronicles my journey from leaving college suffering with anxiety, depression and is not a self help book but wanted to try and inspire people!

