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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Unhappy I've done something terrible, and I'm feeling awful about it

    Recently, my anxiety has been much better. However, just yesterday, I remembered something I did a few years ago. While I was still at school, I took a taxi there with a few others from the school. While on board once, I mentioned something to someone on the taxi about my sister. It was a personal detail that you shouldn't give away to people anyway, but the problem is, I accidentally made it sound like it was worse than it actually was. I can't remember if I later told him about my mistake. I feel dreadful about this, my anxiety has skyrocketed back up again. I know I was young, and at the time I didn't think of it as a big deal, which is probably why I told him about it. However, she could have ended up in trouble for this. If that guy had decided to tell someone about it (he wouldn't, he knows my sister from the past, but still), she could have been in deep trouble. Thinking back, I feel terrible about this. It had to be about three or four years ago now, but I don't know how I can ever make up for this. I still have contact with the person I told this about. Should I contact him and tell him about my mistake.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Calgary, AB, Canada
    To be honest, he probably has completely forgotten. I read a lot of "could" and "should" in your post. I think its best that you let this one go. Kids make all kinds of mistakes while young, and I don't see why a person must continue to punish themselves for the rest of their life.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    you need to let it go. accept that this is in the past - and move forward.

    you are not a bad person! you need to try and get away from that thought!
    if you feel a thought from your past coming forward, and it's making you feel anxious - accept that it is anxiety.
    i know it's hard - but you need to try and get past this!

  4. #4
    Wow I thought I was the only one who lets things like that bother me! I get extra anxiety over stuff like that & it makes me feel like a bad person even though deep down I know I am a really good person. I tend to analyze & re-analyze details all over again until I can justify that it really is no problem. I usually can eventually work it out, but there had always been one specific thing that I make a pro n con list of the detail for & there is 10 on pro side & one possible con, but somehow it doesn't work. I'm very frustrated. I do completely understand what your feeling......we are obsessing too much, I know this but not sure how to let go



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