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  1. #1

    Unhappy weird dizziness/blurry vision/ and weakness? NEED SOME ANSWERS, QUICK.

    Ive been having anxiety for 3 months, i keep having these days where i feel so dizzy and weak, its like a drained feeling.. i get random pains in my arm, odd headaches in the same spot on my head, bad twitching of legs, arms, etc.. i have been taking AD's for about 2 weeks.. nothing is improving. I cant say im completly relaxed.. but im close to it. I feel so ill.. i hate it. It stops me doing certain activties. My vision cant keep still, its so blurry and fuzzy.

    Any suggestions on this? Is it just anxiety, even though I have been almost relaxed (other than posting on here) Because its actually just getting worse, im scared. I genuinly feel ill, like something is causing it.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    hiya ellen. everything you described does link with anxiety. are you AD's for anxiety also, or just depression?
    if you are still concerned, there is no harm in going back to your doctors. for a change in your meds (which can aggravate symptoms and sometimes bring on extra ones) or even just for further reassurance.
    have you checked the side effects to your meds to make sure that it's not just that, that you are feeling?

  3. #3
    Theyre for anxiety, and the only side affect is tiredness. That is why i did not put 'tiredness' on my list of symptoms!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    AD's can take 6-8 weeks to get into your system. it's good that you're feeling relaxed but that doesn't mean that anxiety isn't working it's magic. you could ask the doc for blood tests to rule out other things? my sister has an underactive thyroid and used to suffer from some of the symptoms you've mentioned here. so could that be a possibility?

  5. #5
    Oh, okay.. is a thyroid problem serious or?



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