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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2012
    Georgia, USA

    Unhappy Recent deaths have made health anxiety worse!!

    Over the past month, two people I went to school with both died of heart attacks in their 30's. I'm already dealing with serious health anxiety, with one of my big fears being heart disease/heart attack. This is starting to put me over the edge. I can't stop checking my pulse, any weird feeling in my chest throws me for a loop, and I'm feeling more "out of it" than ever. Anyone suffering from anything similar that can relate? Or can anyone offer any tips to help me put thins in perspective? Help??!!!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2012
    I understand exactly how you feel. It's not easy thing and I don't even have an accurate answer for you. Health anxiety I think is the worst cause it's something that you never truly know...For example social anxiety you know your chances of dying of this is slim to none. But anything health related can always be could be's. I am going through this with fear of melanoma. this is the worst I have ever been in my life and I don't know how to control it either. I just keep telling myself we are all going to die of something, and that's just how life is. It's hard but the core details are that we are not in this life forever. I try to take one day at a time, and live life that way instead of thinking about ten years from now. There are so many other things that you can die from ya know. Like driving in your car, or just anything really. So in a way fearing things that may happen or could never happen is prolly just everyone. We just tend to take these things into overdrive. Anxiety really sucks. I wish I didn't have it. You are not alone I will say that.

  3. #3
    Health related anxiety is extremely common, imo. People fear dying in general so it is easy for their mind to "play tricks" on them. One can dream up chest pain, etc. which changes your breathing patterns which can lead to light-headedness which can be a positive feed forward as your heart beat increases, blood pressure increases, you begin to sweat, etc.

    I have health related anxiety for years and still have it. In my mind I have had every possible bad disease. ]

    The only thing that works for me is vigorous exercise (cardio and strength conditioning) daily. I work hard 5 days/week, eat well and sleep well. I need to keep my mind busy, tire my body and try and "stack the health deck of cards" in my favor.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Georgia, USA
    Thanks for the responses! While I hate that any of us have to feel this way, it sure does help to know that I am not alone. My poor husband has been a champ through all of my craziness, but it always helps to be able to talk to people who know exactly what I'm going through. I have an appointment with a new counselor tomorrow, so I'm hoping to start getting this under control. I'm so afraid of dying that I'm not enjoying living my life while I can! I offer best wishes and my sincerest understanding to all who suffer from anxiety, panic, and depression!

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2011
    Did the 2 people that died have heart attack risk factors? Do you have any of the risk factors?

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2012
    Georgia, USA
    The two people that died were both males, one was 32 and the other was 30. No risk factors that I'm aware of other than their fathers both dying of heart attacks in their 50s. I'm female, 33, with my only risk factor being obesity (which I am in the process of changing!). My dad has high blood pressure, but is 60 and still kicking (thankfully!!)



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