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  1. #1

    Smelling smells that arent there?

    Hello, i have posted alot on here recently.. i read that smelling smells that arent their can be a problem with you're brain....
    i will just post the symptoms of what i have just incase this may help to indicate the problems, i am sure they are anxiety symptoms but hey ho:
    Nausea everyday!
    Weird random shooting pains/ dull aches/ kinda unexplainable pains in my left arm, and a bit in my right, i get them in my hands and fingers to, sometimes wrists, and tops of arms througu to the elbow
    Bad headaches, sometimes severe IN THE SAME SPOT ON MY HEAD!
    Very tired! And odd pains in my rib cage
    Sometimes it feels like my rib cage is clogged and i get it in my collar bones, it feels like a dull ache
    blurry vision and poor vision
    having weird feelings in my body, like numbness..
    very very very very very dizzy, that can sometimes affect my balance.
    muscle twitching!

    this worries me, can your smells even be affected by anxiety? it's like a kinda smoke smell... no one in my family smokes, and i havent been near smoke.

  2. #2
    I'm not too sure about the smells, but everything else you listed sound like sensations from anxiety. The pains you feel is from when your body tenses up with anxiety...this can also cause headaches...BIG TIME. I suggest reading the anxiety symptoms sticky thread on here. You'd be surprised and what anxiety can do to the body and mind. And the more you focus on how you're feeling, the more the symptoms persist. I wouldn't doubt the smell is a part of it though.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    EU Empire
    Ellen, you are having extreme anxiety, I had many very weird symtoms as well like the shooting pains and dull pain and twitches and dizziness when I was having extreme anxiety...

    You need to start taking AD's if you are not already... also maybe smoke some cigs if you are not against them, they can calm you a little.

    Also, are the weird smells very strong? If they are very strong, you need to check with your doctor immediatly... if its not very strong it can be anything......

    The thing you really need to do right now is increase your serotonin levels, research a bit how to do that.

    Anyway I can tell you that, when I had extreme anxiety, it took over a month of taking AD's until i started feeling better, and 3months before I was totally fine.

  4. #4
    they're kind of strong.. but they're like smokey smells, I am going to try relax and just stay away from the internet, and see if that helps. thanks for the reply x

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ellen1 View Post
    .. but they're like smokey smells
    Ah, that would be my cooking

    Ellen, things like this are quite normal with anxiety. I would get a lot of strange tastes in my mouth, sort of coppery, or metallic. I'd also smell things too like old smoke, or a fumey kind of smell. Sometimes I couldn't put a finger on it.. One way it can be caused, is the body breathes in so much oxygen, that the nose can only cleanse so much, and works over time, and can fatigue momentarily, causing everything to become really sensitive, and to almost simulate smells. There are other ways anxiety causes it too. It's not really that important.

    Do you still do a lot of symptom checking? I think some relaxation will help you, definitely. I could post a few method's if you'd like?

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Wa state
    I sometimes smell things that aren't there....mine is cigarette smoke. No one in my house smokes, and haven't been around anyone/place that I would pick up that smell,....it's a weird symptom I get every now and then.

  7. #7
    I thought posting the symptoms would help, i just got a bit worried because thats not a common symptom of anxiety? Yes please do give me some methods that would be lovely!

  8. #8
    oh, i'm glad then! thanks x



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