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  1. #1

    Is this anxiety???

    Hello everyone! I am a twenty eight year old male. I have always had trouble with what I think is anxiety especially in social situations. When I was younger I self medicated ALOT with alcohol. I was always the life of the party(while drinking) but sober I turned into a tense very easily agitated recluse. The drinking to me at the time was ok but I've been married now for three years and nine months ago we were blessed width our first child. Two years ago I went to a therapist. I told him about the tightness in my chest my agitation and quickness to snap and he had me trying several bewaring exercises. That I was never ableto utilize so I tried medication. I was put on pristiq and had good results. Recently I decided to try a life free of medication. I followed my doctors recommended tapering off procedure. I felt really good for about a
    week and a half and then the brain zaps started. I've noticed the chest tightening and agitation return in the past few days. The main problem is even when I feel the tightness and rage the majority of the times and cannot even figure out y I feel this way and end up lashing out at the ones I love most. Does this sound like anxiety to anyone? If so does this anyone have any pointers as to how to control this without prescription meds? Any self help book recommendations? Also how long will the withdrawal symptoms (brain zaps) last? Any guidance is appreciated more than u will ever know!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Florida, USA
    Blay, the zaps will end(few weeks maybe) soon but you might want to reconsider getting back on the med. It's not that the med is causing the return of anxiety it's just that the med was keeping it at bay. Yep anxiety can make you very irritable especially if sleep if effected. I'd go back on the lowest dose that helps with how you're feeling and then retry a longer and slower taper off. That will help with withdrawal effects and help you carefully monitor how you feel as you stop the drug. You may choose to stay on a low dose of it. PM me any time. Alankay.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    In my opinion u do sound like u have anxiety but maybe also an anger problem if ur having bouts of rage. Probably a good idea to go back on the meds but these won't treat the underlying cause, u need to get to the bottom of the anger. I don't know what kind of therapy u tried but some kind of therapy aimed at coping with anger might help? I take it they tested ur hormone levels etc?



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