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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2012

    Unhappy Dizziness and Numbness please read!!!

    Hi my names Chris, im 20 years old and just recently had my first panic attack at work ( about 3 months ago). This was an amazing job, great benefits, great pay, we just worked so much(we had about 4 days total off work every month in rotating 8 and 12 hour shifts). I partially think this was what started my anxiety, on top of the fact I had a bad breakup and was drinking and smoking marijuana every night just to clear my head and help me fall asleep. After the panic attack my doctor put me on celexa and some other temporary capsule to ease my anxiety. The celexa really hasnt helped what so ever, so im weening myself off of it after 3 months of waiting for some kind of relief. I never went back to work after I had my attack, I was too dizzy and worried about fainting every time I walked to go back as it was a very physically demanding job. I quit drinking and smoking marijuana and cigarettes, but the dizziness and faintness wont go away. The room will even feel like its spinning sometimes when im walking on a floor that feels unstable (like when someone walks by or drops something and it vibrates the floor). I have denaturalization almost every moment of every day, making the faintness and numbness worse. I can cope with it sometimes, but it never seems to fully go away. Now I have been out of work and me and my girlfriend are facing eviction if I dont find another job soon. My whole life has been turned upside down and I dont know what to do anymore. The numbness feeling in my limbs seems to be my only worry 99% of the time making it hard for me to focus on things especiallly when im out I feel like im going to faint all the time. Has someone found anything to help with this?? I need it I need to go back to work so bad everything is just falling apart, I have tried breathing techniques but just cant seem to get the hang of them as they usually just make me go into a panic attack and I get even dizzier and more faint. Someone please help me with this and my denaturalization. please..... :*(((((((

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Florida, USA
    Chris, just a few questions. Did your doc give you a full physical? Were any blood tests done? Did the meds taken together at first help at all? Dropping the smoking and drinking(at least for now) were a good move. No other symptoms? Just the numbness and dizziness? Get back to me on all that and I'll give 100% or what I can. Alankay

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    She didnt give me a full physical but she done the normal listen to my heart and breathing, she told me i had early signs of asthma due to how much i was smoking to deal with my stress so i immediately quit smoking the following day. She also did a blood test and everything came back normal except for a cholesterol problem which I am taking lipitor for now. And yeah I have other minor symptoms but its just tingly feelings in my limbs and floating sensations when I close my eyes and lay down during high anxiety. The temporary capsules she gave me( I dont remember what they were) helped a little from what I can remember but the celexa really has never helped that much, I mean ive weened myself down to a half a pill a day now and none of my anxiety has came back in full force or anything. Ive researched the heck out of anxiety ever since I got it and ive learned to cope with it better than I used to, my dizziness and stuff arent nearly as bad as they used to be but they still come back really bad during high stress.

  4. #4
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    and kev, i dont know ive tried the deep diaphragm breathing and it just doesnt even seem to help, its like i get focused on it too much and think what if im getting too much oxygen or not enough is this gonna make me faint now etcc... ive kinda read enough now to realize the breathing would end alot of the denaturalization and numbness in my legs and arms but I cant seem to find one that works, any ideas?

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Florida, USA
    Cbrown, I'd stay on the celexa(10mg??). It will help and at that dose cause no side effects I'm sure. It will take some time but that should help the symptoms. Celexa takes time to work as do all srri's.
    Don't over breath, just breath slowly and fully from your diaphram and practice relaxing the muscles of your skull, jaw, neck shoulders and then down the rest of the body slowy. Message me any time. Alankay.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    I can relate, I found my anxiety very first kicked off I felt the same way that you do, same symptoms essentially and I was freaking out because I didnt know what was wrong. I thought I was about to die or something, it was no fun at all. I stayed away from the meds though.

    From personal experience I found once accepted that I was only suffering with anxiety it became easier to manage and eventually those symptoms subsided and I very very very rarely, if ever, get them now. You can get past it, have faith!
    The ability to feel fear and keep moving forward distinguishes the living from the merely breathing. - Nicholas Lore

    There are very few monsters who warrant the fear we have of them. ~Andre Gide

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2012
    its the generic form of celexa actually and its 5 mg if im not mistaken. Its honestly made me feel worse everytime I took it. Will the breathing help with the denaturalization and numbness in my legs? thats my main focus so i can get back to working so we can keep our house. Any supplements you guys know of that will help with this? And also after researching so much I have decided I dont want to become dependent on medication, its me causing the anxiety somehow someway and a pill is just going to cover it up not help me. Also what type of magnesium? Any specific form or brand of supplement? Thanks so much to everyone who has replied to this and taken time out of their day to help, means alot!



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