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  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Hi queenofanxiety

    Wow, I think I know exactly what you are going through. Allthough I haven't been suffering from it as long as you do, I strongly relate to your symptoms. My anxiety set off "ligthly" enough (when I look back at it). Got my self admitted to a hospital when I thought for some reason I would lose control and kill a lot of people but the same kind of thoughts you started to have haunts me every minut of every day now.I can feel how this is slowly, but surely breaking me down psycichly. The weird way you all of a sudden give the question of reality, meaning, relevance and importance. like if I had just woken up from a 20 year long sleep and was viewing the world for the first time out of sheer fear. I'm constantly on edge, I can't look at the stars any more, for I would feel so small and fragile, unstable followed by strong surges of angst when I involuntarily would simulate the size of the univserse in my head.

    Let's hope we recover fully!

  2. #12
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    To overwhelmedteen: Not all exibit distinct physical symptoms, some exibit very few. Me personally only really exibit anything physical when I'm on the verge of doing something radical during a panic attack like calling the police to come pick me up before I do something terrible(which is not something I think I will do, it's just that I fear I might do it, and my outlook on the world gets coated with a couple of extra layers of anxiety). But thats when It becomes extreme. For example right now as I'm writing this, I have very strong fears that our planet will all of a sudden collapse within the next hour, fear that I will kill myself in the next hour and worry about whether or not I'm evil. My puls is at 58/minut, a bloodpressure of 105/72, no shortness of breath, no light headedness, no shaking, no trembling, just a tad restlessness. what you are describing doesn't necessarily confine your condition to general anxiety disorder, but you can be very certain that whatever it is you are dealing with, It is brought on by anxiety. I'm not a psychiatrist or anything like that, but I have been compelled to read up on a lot of stuff. Which is something you must never do if you scare easily like me. As a hypocondriac you will feel compelled to look up other causing deseases, maybe even theorize yourself, but they will only bring more anxiety, just trust the docters.



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