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Thread: your not alone.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Thumbs up your not alone.

    i have been suffering anxiety for 4 months and all i can say is, everything feels as if it has changed and my life has become a living hell.

    - Current symptoms:

    * Depersonalization ( nothing seems real )
    * Chest pains (getting paranoid about my heart)
    * Splitting headaches
    * Electric shocks (may not get them in early stages, feels like a terrifying jolt)
    * Dry mouth
    * Heart palpitations (feel your whole body beat)
    * Skin rashes
    * Memory loss

    Im only 19 years of age, and my mind is very open. Maybe i have wandered in too far?

    The amount of money i would pay to get rid of anxiety instantly would well exceed over ten thousand dollars, you know i wouldnt pay this much if i didnt feel this way!

    Im glad to have found this forum, simply because it feels like a second home to me, a place where i can talk and no one would judge or criticize, anxietyforum.net is like a family to me.

    some of the things that soothe my anxiety:

    *Bottled water
    *Healthy food
    *I Quit smoking/drugs/alcohol ( it only makes it worse )
    *Instead of thinking, i speak my thoughts when i am by myself.
    *Raising my hands up in the air as if im stretching. ( Feels soothing, dno why though.)
    *Being distracted. ( As soon as i play video games i feel no anxiety )
    *Sex (another great distraction)
    *Being with positive and strong people
    *Being with happy people
    *Having faith!

    anyone who needs someone to talk to feel free to friend request me or private message me, im easy to talk to and very understanding.

    Its about time we got ourselves out of this mess!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    it sounds to me as if you are on your way to getting over your issues, You have identified the positive and negative things that you need to do to change your life. Eating healthy foods and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will reduce your anxiety issues. For me i was lucky i was able to change my life completely, eliminating most of my problems in one go.



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