Good Afternoon/Morning,

It took about an hour to write my whole background and list symptoms only to find that when i went to submit the post it logged me out and then upon returning to the previous page - all was deleted. Great.

So i will only touch on the background and how i feel at present.

My grandma was a compulsive worrier and so was my mum, this was clearly passed on to me which i was only made aware of about a week ago when i plucked up the courage to tell my mum i had been smoking weed for 3 - 4 years and was going cold turkey.

The anxiety started a long time ago but i was in denial at the time and only until i had a lot on my plate i realized (after looking online) that i may have a problem.

The symptoms list on your site is vast and i can hold my hand up and tick the box for many, but i will list the main ones:

- Fatigued
- No energy during the day but awake when i need to sleep
- Sleep but wake up 4 - 5 times throughout the night, sometimes sweating
- I feel like i am going to pass out at work sometimes
- I have waves of hot and cold
- I find myself shaking and trembling if i decide to be excited
- Dramatic mood swings which can be mid conversation when i want to escape
- Emotions are all over the place
- I fear what people may think of me
- I fear any kind of confrontation
- I fear i may make a fool out of myself
- I become overwhelmed in public places - pubs etc
- I fear losing control
- I obsess with negative thoughts which leaves me stressed with a knot in my stomach
- Very impatient and my leg is always on the move (its going now!)
- Feel down in the dumps and edgy
- I fear being alone

These are the main symptoms i have, but on the plus side i have now been without weed for over a week and i know i am on the road to recovery - the light is getting brighter, i just need some kind of guidance to allow me to accept that i may have a problem and if i need any help, i can seek it.

It has taken me a while (a whole week in fact) to pluck up the courage to post this as although this is what the forum is for, i fear people may think i am being a fool and there is nothing wrong with me!

A couple of things to note:
- I moved home to live with my mum last night
- I just started a new job which knocked me out of routine
- I recently started meeting a new girl (see below)

Thank you for your time to whoever may read this and i would appreciate any feedback and guidance.


P.S - I recently started seeing a girl ,as stated, and i am very fond of her; but i fear if i go any deeper and my heart gets more involved i may make a wrong decision which would ruin any kind of future and make my problems worse - please help!