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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    i need help :( so scared!

    ok so i went out last night just for a family get to gether and i was fine the full night, had 2 beers 1 diazepam (for anxiety) and no obsessive thoughts or nothing.. then i was driving my way home in the car and im getting all of these CJD symptoms and again i feel like im deteriating every day, my vision isnt right my hearing , feeling isnt normal and i feel slurry and drunk , i had an mri and nothing showed up i feel mentally im too scared,my eyes are sensitive to the light.i hardly had any sleep last night tho to be fair about 6-7 hours... i would just love some feedback on this if anyone else has had the same symptoms ..

    kevin - 16 years old

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    May 2011
    i have problems with my eyes due to anxiety too! .. i have been to the opticians numerous of times to be told my vision is fine, my eyes are healthy (i do wear glasses due to short sightedness).
    Because i constantly worry about my eyes i find it makes it heaps worse!, i get the light sensitivity like you said, when i get the tingling in my face it goes above my eye (eyebrow are) also (had it 2-3 times) and my eyes are dry!, i have found since i have gotten my self into a habbit also, i keep pulling at my eyelid!! and i dont know im doing it half the time!.
    your not alone!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    im sorry to hear , if the only symptoms you have look on the brightside tho alot more people have it alot worse than us , good luck with ur anxiety i wish u all the best.


  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Oh its not the only symptom i suffer from!, trust me lol.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2011
    yeah anxiety is terrible , im actually convinced i have this rare disease and im getting worse every day... its getting me down , hopefully u are better soon tho because these feelings are awfull

  6. #6
    hi folks. on the subject of eyes , every morning i wake up my eyes are red and lots of small red squiggly lines, does kind of clear up but can come bakc throughout the day but always worse in the morning, went to the optician she said evrything fine and gave me some drops also had drops from docs, neither have helped though, do yous suffer similar symptoms?

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2011
    to be honest, i dont really stress over my eyes alot, but i can hardly sleep at night and my eyes usually go yellowy and bloodshot wit a small grey circle around my pupil, i think these squiggly lines just may be something stupid but im no doctor. if ur worried go to ur GP and tell them you want checked out.



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