Hello everyone!
I am a female college student who has probably been having anxiety problems for years but has only recently started to have some major problems with it.... I honestly don't know exactly how I would diagnose myself, but if I had to give an educated guess I would say I have a bit of OCD and hypocondria :P. I say hypocondria because I am constantly scared that I've poisoned myself somehow and am going to die, or that I am somehow ill. I also get anxiety about death in general (somehow getting killed). I often end up staying up all night worrying that if I fall asleep I won't wake up in the morning. I would also say that a lot of my anxiety could very well be stress triggered.
One of my biggest concerns right now is my college living situation. If I continue to have issues with anxiety doing the fall semester, how do I not bother my roommates and if I do, how do I help them to understand my problem more?

I feel like my family and the majority of my friends don't understand what's wrong with me (although most of them are very kind about it although they think I'm crazy,) so I really hope that maybe there's people on here that I can relate to and get encouragement from! .
(also, I'm sorry the majority of this message sounds so negative.... it's hard to be cheery about anxiety though hahaha xD.)