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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    EPS from Risperdal?

    I was on Risperdal for 2 days and got tongue rolling almost immediatly. My tongue became SUPER stiff and now I am opening my mouth to relive the pain.

    I have been on Adderall for a year daily and had to come off from that 3 weeks ago because of this.

    After 3 weeks, the tongue movements are still here. I am AVOIDING all social situations since this happened and my depression has become so bad!

    Adderall helped depression and focus tremendously but I am unsure if I can take it again due to the tongue movements.

    My doctor mentioned that it is NOT TARDIVE DYSKINISIA and NOT PERMANENT but after 3 weeks it should have gone away. I am so worried about this symptom and what it's done to my social life and relationships that I cannot breathe correctly now so I'm dizzy all day AND sleeping 12 hours a night to avoid the daytime.

    Do any of you have experience with EPS symptoms? I am SO SURPRISED that it happened after only 2 days of Risperdal.

    I need advice and encouragement! Will this go away? When? Also, will I EVER be able to take Adderall again? I need that medicine so badly.


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    May 2007
    East Bay
    Although there is no way of being certain about this, I would say that you probably DON'T have tardive dyskinesia. The 'tardive' in tardive diskinesia basically means that it starts after taking the drug for a long time (think 'tardy', as in late onset). Two days just isn't long enough. Honestly, I'm not exactly sure what is up. But I would just give it some time. Chances are, you are just EXTREMELY nervous about what is going on.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Smile Reply

    Thanks for your reply. I agree. My doctor DOES NOT think it's TD. I have had psychosomatic illnesses in the past and am thinking I might be perpetuating this in my mind.

    I am going to take Benedryl tonight and see how it goes over next few days.

    One question: 3 weeks off of Adderall and 1.5 months off Risperdal, do you think it's safe to take a small dose of Adderall daily or do you think that has any effect on the tongue rolling?

    Adderall is a VITAL medicine in my treatment plan and I want to take it so badly right now. I've been on it for 10 years and this is the first 3 week break I've ever taken and it's been hard.

    Thoughts? Thanks guys!



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