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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Unhappy anxiety and bulimia??:S

    Well honestly I don't even know if I can call it bulimia.I binge on foods that I am allergic to ,ever since my familys diet has changed all the foods that I haven't had for over 2 years (because I know that I am alergic to them)They smell so good, I've started to crave them again.
    So I have to make myself sick because I know that if I don't my eyes will swell up so bad and they'll be covered with eczema.I know it s really stupid and not worth it but I can't seem to stop.
    I have heart problems which I know will make worse but I can't seem to have enough self control.
    Please help.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2011
    Try to find substitute foods that taste the same?

    Only problems with craves is they wont go away unless you have them, but its all in the mind, when you crave the food you cant have, eat something else that makes you full, then your hunger for the thing you crave should subside.

    Try new foods, find something else you like more to crave also.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    I can't really think of any ,I m allergic to so much (wheat ,yeast,sugar,eggs,dairy,spices the list goes on).There isn't really a replacement for chocolate or bread or crackers.The thing is I am not really hungry I just really want the food I shouldn;t have.

    I've pretty much tried all the foods that I can have,it kind of got to the point of what can I eat.But I'll try and find a replacement.
    Thanks for your help

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    May 2011
    you shouldnt force yourself to throw up not healthy

    i dont mean to scare you but some people can choke on their throw up and die

    so for your sake you should stop

    thats what my friends doctor told him

  5. #5
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    Jul 2011
    I understand your issue. I only have a sensitivity to Gluten and when I found this out I tried to cut just that one thing out & I felt soo much better, but then I was Terrified to eat anything that could possibly have it in it, which is everything it seems, and then I developed some type of disorder because I lost like 15 lbs just from being scared to eat. Then one day my husband MADE me eat a PB&J because I was lying in the snow freaking out from low blood sugar from not eating right for soo long. I never have had any eating disorders, I am a "plump" gal and proud of it. But I saw how fast a food issue could take over your thoughts change your mindset. My advise for you is to ask your family to take measures that are reasonable to avoid showing those foods in front of you, i'm not sure if your talking about your kids or parents or what, but ask them to help you not crave that stuff because it's soo hard on you. Also don't let yourself get too hungry that you crave those foods too much. I find when I'm real hungry I want to eat bad things more so planning your dinners so you can look forward to what your having for dinner may help you to look forward to those foods. Don't buy the stuff that your allergic to so you can't just grab it & eat it, and even if you put it in your cart at the store, give it to the cashier at the checkout so it doesn't make it home! I would agree that eating it then throwing it up isn't healthy, the last thing you want is a disorder along with throat issues & stomach issues. Try praying about it and ask God to take it from you. I believe that compulsions are definitely a tool that satan uses to distract you from the joy you can find in your life, even with diversities and burdens. I hope I helped you, I will be praying for you to find guidance & strength to do what you know you need to.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKH2002 View Post
    I understand your issue. I only have a sensitivity to Gluten and when I found this out I tried to cut just that one thing out & I felt soo much better, but then I was Terrified to eat anything that could possibly have it in it, which is everything it seems, and then I developed some type of disorder because I lost like 15 lbs just from being scared to eat. Then one day my husband MADE me eat a PB&J because I was lying in the snow freaking out from low blood sugar from not eating right for soo long. I never have had any eating disorders, I am a "plump" gal and proud of it. But I saw how fast a food issue could take over your thoughts change your mindset. My advise for you is to ask your family to take measures that are reasonable to avoid showing those foods in front of you, i'm not sure if your talking about your kids or parents or what, but ask them to help you not crave that stuff because it's soo hard on you. Also don't let yourself get too hungry that you crave those foods too much. I find when I'm real hungry I want to eat bad things more so planning your dinners so you can look forward to what your having for dinner may help you to look forward to those foods. Don't buy the stuff that your allergic to so you can't just grab it & eat it, and even if you put it in your cart at the store, give it to the cashier at the checkout so it doesn't make it home! I would agree that eating it then throwing it up isn't healthy, the last thing you want is a disorder along with throat issues & stomach issues. Try praying about it and ask God to take it from you. I believe that compulsions are definitely a tool that satan uses to distract you from the joy you can find in your life, even with diversities and burdens. I hope I helped you, I will be praying for you to find guidance & strength to do what you know you need to.

    The thing is I don't necessarily binge when I'm hungry ,it s just these cravings.
    I have no problem with going into a supermarket and buying the stuff because I never go alone because of my Social anxiety,and I avoid going if I can.The thing is they buy the stuff for themselves,I don't think that they have any idea yet that I secretly steal it and eat it.I really am trying to fight this thing myself because most of my family is depressed or going through a hard time.I don't want to worry them.THanks for your reply

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshualives View Post
    you shouldnt force yourself to throw up not healthy

    i dont mean to scare you but some people can choke on their throw up and die

    so for your sake you should stop

    thats what my friends doctor told him
    I know but If I don't I have an allergic reaction,I m really trying to get to the rooot of the problem to just not eat those foods at all.It's just really hard.



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