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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    New here! Trying to ditch meds for good.. looking for alternatives

    Hey everyone!

    So I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember. I've had tics (like mild tourette's syndrome typed twitches) since I was a child, and still do at 20 years old - I blink my eyes frequently and harder than normal. I also pick at my face, scabs, hairs, anything really. Not to an extreme point, I can hide it from everyone, but I do it and enjoy it I guess. I also have a hard time falling asleep because I can't stop thinking about everything in life. I also over-analyze everything people say to me, about me, or even their body language. When I get ready to leave the house I always worry so much about my appearance down to crazy minor details. My mind is always racing, tons of thoughts going through it and I feel overwhelmed. I also suffer from headaches, I think due to blinking and just strain in my eye/forehead area.

    When I was 16 my doctor put me on meds at my request, shortly after my older sister started them. I saw them helping her feel less moody, scared, sad about life, and I thought I could use that stress relief too. Anyways I was on a few different kinds of anti-depressants, and ended up sticking with 150mg of effexor for a few years.

    Now that I'm older, I want to get off the meds completely. I recently dropped down from 150mg, to 137.5mg, and now 75mg. I feel like I can handle life better now, and also I feel like the meds were way too much for my age and symptoms. I want to find natural remedies for anxiety, and am completely open to anything. I'm going to do some research on this, but any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. I'm interested in trying anything like herbal remedies, breathing techniques, eating a certain food, vitamins, basically anything!! I have started redoing yoga, just in my bedroom, and if I can stay committed I think it is going to help a lot.

    Thanks for reading, that ended up longer than expected!

    - Bre
    Last edited by cali8; 06-15-2011 at 10:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Don View Post
    Good to hear! I take B-Complex vitimins and Vitimin C vitimins if you want to look those up. They work well for me.
    Just curious, what does taking these specific vitamins improve for you?



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