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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Anxiety & fear of death ...

    I started suffering from anxiety a few months ago and it only seems to be getting worse :/ Recently, i've been having very anxious thoughts and i think i may be a hypochondriac. I've broken down crying thinking that I won't wake up in the morning or that my heart will just stop, as i suffer from anxiety-related(i think) chest pains (i'm only 16) ... Also, i've always had a strong fear of death which makes me have panic attacks almost every day.

    In a few days i will be attendinga family funeral, it's important that I go but i am very worried as it is not a good place to be for someone who thinks things like this :/ If i begin to panic i will feel stuck and think i have nowhere to go except just to sit and let it pass ..

    Any advice on things i can do to relax or train my brain not to think too much about these things? Also the chest pains and the physical symptoms (restricted breathing) are a big contribution to the panic so anything that would make me not as anxious would be a really big help!

    Hope this made sense
    Marzy .

  2. #2
    wow, you sound just like me a couple years ago when i had my first bout of anxiety. I constantly worried about death. i was afraid to go to sleep thinking that i wouldnt wake up. it's a terrible feeling. these days my anxiety manifest itself much differnet then back then. although till this day i still do not like to talk about or hear about anything related to death, pretty bad considering im a nurse. but i did get past the constant thinking about it. i did so by just letting my thoughts pass. whenever i would think about it i would just tell myself "im fine, this is only my anxiety". i tried to stay positive and after awhile i just forgot about it. as far as the funeral goes. answer this for me. how do you think everyone else there will be feeling? do you think everyone will just be completly calm and positive? everyone there will be feeling just the same as you. you probably will panic, and you will without a doubt feel very uncomfortable. and that is complelty normal considering the circumstances. it's okay to feel anxious and panic sometimes when the situation calls for it. so dont worry about how you are feeling there i assue you everyone else will be feeling the same. you are not alone, and these thoughts and fears will pass.



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