Originally Posted by
antflower, the thing I always bang on about is serotonin. 70-80% of Americans suffer from low serotonin, and this is directly linked to depression and anxiety. It might not always be the cause of depression/anxiety, but it can be an aggravating factor. I have had minor anxiety for a number of years, but it only got worse when I started sleeping less, eating less fruit, not exercising and not going outside - all when I started working from home. It was at that moment an occasional anxiety problem turned into something nasty and that led me to seek a doctor, who identified serotonin as the problem.
The reason i write this is because I read that you have not gone out since Friday, and you wrote this on Wednesday morning, which means you have gone 5 days without going outside, and i imagine not going out is already a regular thing. So, as much as it is difficult, try and make a point of going outside daily for a walk. It doesn't matter where, whether it is to the store, to a friends house, or even just wander a few blocks. It will be tough at first but if you keep doing it every day it will get easier and easier. It takes a while for serotonin to increase substantially - around 30-40 days - but over time it will make things easier for you. Plus, the exercise tiring you out will make you sleepier at night, and sleeping more will help as well.
Being locked up inside is a certain way to make anxiety worse.