Hi guys,
I suffer from all the usual anxiety symptoms and I'm trying my best to handle them the best I can...however one thing I REALLY struggle with is sleep. My anxiety actually started with insomnia, despite being a great sleeper for my 24 years I suddenly out of the blue one night couldn't sleep and my anxiety has spiralled from there. I haven't had a good nights sleep in I don't know how long!
Its almost like I can't switch my mind off at night, and if I'm not asleep in like half an hour I start to panic and feel like I'm going to go all night without sleeping (which has happened) and that only increases the anxiety.
GP put me on Zopiclone sleeping tablets and these did work initially but now its hit or miss and I'm actually pretty much addicted to them now regardless of whether I get any sleep or not. I feel so ill when I try and come off that my DR is having to structure a really gentle tapering off schedule which is something else to worry about.
I guess I just would like to know I'm not alone in this battle for sleep, every night its an issue and I just wonder when its ever going to go away! and I can actually look forward to a good nights sleep again.
Has anyone got any tips? I've tried the usual milky drinks, hot baths, reading, nothing seems to work really. Even the sleeping tablets.
I'm trying to hold down a job as well you know which I can't afford to lose so its all well and good these doctors telling me to be patient but I can't go working on like this with so very little sleep.