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  1. #41
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Senpai notice me!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    People most certainly don't agree with you, James, as they know you follow me around like an idiot regardless of where I post, which suggests you don't have anything better to do besides tweeting to support the new shitty movies.

    If anybody is an evil psychopath, I reckon it's you after seeing your recent posts.

    Also, everything I post is absolutely honest about these money grabbing broads, because real statements should always be unfiltered.
    Sorry, still not James. Still don't tweet. (Is it even still called that?)
    When are you back in court again?

  2. #42
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    What a disgrace to the family Scotty is.
    Quite. And given the absolute shower of morons that the rest of the clan seem to be, that's something of an achievement.

  3. #43
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Potato Development Disorder (No Ordinary Scumbag)

    Well, after vaguely behaving itself, Spudanus is back in full force fuckwit mode.
    I thought the highlight of the day was going to be this comically inept attempt at a vaguely death-threaty jibe:

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter A
    I Killed James Berich 4 Being A Billy Lid Cunt
    Yesterday, 11:09 AM

    It's a new PC game I am developing, which will be very gory and have nudity, and scenes one may find distressing with a nervous disposition, requiring meds.

    In it, some drongo from Perth in Australia called James is slain with an axe, while he is out in the bushes near Alice Springs.

    This mostly comes about due to using my name "thesaunderschild" on some crappy forums, in a poor attempt to pose as me.
    Not particularly exciting, but I did quite like the ridiculous notion of potatohead trying to develop a game, having so dismally failed to develop a personality, an intellect, or a life.
    Normally that morsel of mental excursion would have completely burned out the cuntflap's one sickly brain cell, but obviously it must have been at the sugar, because soon it was off again!

  4. #44
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Now with free range pets

    Clearly balanitis-features hasn't been wiping up the potato salad after wanking over Barry Burton, and has consequently been attracting flatmates....

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Today at 5:51 PM

    I don't pay rent. That is covered for me by the Edinburgh city council. But my flat is full of carpet beetles and mice.

    Right now, I only have two main bills I must pay for myself. Heating charges paid to the council. When they send a letter, I just pay for it online, or I can go to the social work department. And then there's my electricity use with Utilita. I otherwise only pay for my mobile service and broadband, but my broadband with a different company is gonna be cancelled soon because the speed it runs at is totally atrocious. Downloading anything takes an eternity.

    I get a slightly better speed on my phone than I do with TalkTalk. But because it's mobile data, the reception in my flat is poor. A quick speed test usually confirms a maximum speed of 1 MBPS, while my lined connection is a mere 0.2 or something.

    So, yeah. That's just hopeless.
    Good to know that the Scottish taxpayers' money is being put to such good use, invested in urban biodiversity projects like this.
    I'm sure that the jizzclown's neighbours must be delighted.
    I'm honestly shocked that the carpet beetles can find any carpet under all those crates of of shite the moron has.
    You'd think that would be enough embarrassment for one day, and that at this point the scrotepustule would call it a night.
    But wait!
    There's more...

  5. #45
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Political hot potato

    For some reason, at this point the turdgargler seemed to think it could talk with the grown-ups and provide its well considered opinions on world affairs and, crucially, how they pertain to the main character (Spudanaus, obviously) and its ongoing mission of shoving food into its festering cakehole.
    It decided to wade into an ongoing heated discussion and throw a cumsock on troubled waters with this glorious non sequitur:

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Today at 6:18 PM

    My sister and I were at a fair in the summer, held in the Leith Links. Palestine people were there, selling dates and other things. I remember one of them saying they were involved in a war back home and how people only ever mentioned the Russia-Ukraine crisis and not theirs.

    I told my sister to be careful with engaging foreigners for trading. We could be in for the next 9/11 someday with these security risks. I don't trust them.

    Like, seriously. Why let people on planes with box cutters and mace? That's just dumb, whether it was permitted on aircrafts back in 2001 or not. I keep thinking the Twin Towers could have still been here if it wasn't for that avoidable breach.

    They let people in the UK, without checking them over. This is ridiculous and we had a subway bombed in 2005.
    Well, I sincerely hope the UN has been properly briefed on the shitmaggot's musings; Perhaps Biden can swing by Edinburgh to see if he can gather any more crucial insights into global security from the arsepustule (ignoring the fact that it apparently hasn't yet grasped the use of adjectives or plural nouns).
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 10-17-2023 at 03:54 PM. Reason: teh --> the

  6. #46
    Peter's Conscience
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    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    You just shake your head in wonder at Scottys comments.
    Yes. It isn't even bothering with oblique racism anymore - just full on 1960s style cliche racism, just like granny used to tell 'em:
    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Yesterday at 10:15 PM

    Black bastards.

  7. #47
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Greatest Shits Vol II

    No commentary required, really, the crazy speaks for itself.
    Let's just hope Spudanus gets all the support it needs, so that it truly can be offline more. Ideally entirely.

    Quote Originally Posted by SCT Guy
    My sister wasn't being very nice to me in the early hours of the day our mum was to be buried. In fact, her attitude was not nice at all.

    Basically, the day before, my sisters got a bus to head to the parlour. Beforehand, my younger sister agreed to meet me at a shop that is literally 5 minutes from the place, because it "could close early" (her own jargon). Lookin' Trendy, it's called. This is because I spotted a great Bruce Lee shirt in the window, and my mum was a big fan. So as we were gonna be putting remembrance (parting) gifts in the coffin, I was like, wow. That looks cool.

    Of course, with my sister being in La La Land a lot these days, she went to the place before me and acted rather bossy, hereby berating me, cutting me off on her mobile and whatnot, as if I was causing a scene. My dad apparently got a bit funny too, but he's just an old grumpy fart with diabetes.

    So the night after at 3 AM or something, which was on the big day, she incessantly text me volatile bull crap, over and over again. I won't say what she was barking at me, due to this being a public forum, and with that drongo James being a nuisance as well and quoting me on that anxiety website, I best not say what she sent to me. Obviously I was having none of it. So she got really nasty.

    I think she has been suffering from some type of delusional disorder for the last few years. Like, say we go to a Tesco store or another shop, or whatever in Edinburgh, regardless of where we end up going that day, she accuses these strangers we do not know at all, of being sent to spy on her, or being "associated" with either of her ex partners, who she endlessly yaps on about, despite knowing full well they were just using her. So I have no real advice to provide other than, "Move on and stop letting them rent space in your mind." There's nothing else I can say, really.

    For example, if we are seated on a bench, she will often say stuff like, "That woman is recording me on her phone." This is nonsense, though. She was just using a video calling app, talking to a person like she has a right to. Or she believes people are laughing at her. Or she thinks our mum's shadow or scent is in the room, or that these mediums are legitimate. This I find particularly annoying. They are money grabbers.

    I literally had her saying to me one day that somebody outside deliberately set a car alarm off to annoy her in the kitchen. I mean, what the hell?

    I cannot be bothered with her texting me the same old complaints either. The exact same rants.

    She apparently wanted me to chum her to an advice shop yesterday, even though I told her countless of times that they don't even genuinely offer any legal advice, and she attended one months ago. But I reckon I simply failed to notice what she said, as I choose to skim read her ramblings nowadays.

    I attended one before, as this seems to be everyone's stalling tactic, because then if you do go book an appointment, they will say you need to call a law firm. So why waste time going there to a drop-in session, when they aren't in any way helpful? Duh!

    I mean, seriously. Even though social workers can be scum, I called the social care department yesterday in the hope I can be allocated new support workers.

    I feel as if my sister should not be my primary go to person any longer. I do get on with my sister in general. But she is starting to try to take charge too much, with many things I feel I could be capable of sorting out.

    Now, I understand having to get accounts transferred into her name has been stressful, as ringing up these places can be a chore. But her mood is overall, becoming irritating.

    If I happen to want to address something with anyone I just happen to see in the street, if she is present with me at the time, she quickly acts as if I should not do so. Yet she can let her tongue wag and tell everybody about her problems in the space of a mere 10 minutes. For example, she says her ex gave our mother a heart attack.

    100% baloney, and an obvious denial of the real facts.

    It was my mum's chain smoking, hypertension, COPD, renal issues and other health matters that ultimately caused her health to go downhill. So looking for a specific person to blame over it I would say is stupid. However, the nurses at that hospice did screw around with her lines. So they are certainly crooked and if anyone should take the rap, it is them.

    Nope. It doesn't work like that. And nobody gets to dictate to me how I speak to others. That's my nature.

    In an ideal world, yeah, support workers are not necessarily all that trustworthy or clued up about things, but I definitely cannot be living alone as a hermit in my flat all day. It just makes one feel more depressed if you do meaningless things, like watch DVDs all day, or spew on forums about Resident Evil games to members that sometimes don't behave in a polite way. Like on dreamindemon.com, their posts on there are quite sarcastic. So I declared that 2023 is my last stop for that kind of side hobby.

    I mean, rest in peace, mum. The NHS are idiotic. But I bet my sister won't be in any hurry to see justice through with mum, with how she wants to focus on this fruitless pursuit of trying to beat the system I know you cannot conjure, at least without having the adequate backing.

    Believe me. I wanted to get back at people who wronged me, a long tine ago. Civil cases can actually be very costly, not to mention incredibly complicated. And you need proof. But to beat these people, that takes having tons of cash, and a person with legal skills. Otherwise, you just have to bite your tongue and proceed on in life. What else can you do besides chasing your tail? She hasn't the where with all to move on and accept what's done is done.

    With the right kind of support, I can be offline more. Because in all honesty, you have too many radge pots who come online, like you know who. And in general, many message boards no longer boast of having regular activity, unlike in 2006 or whenever it was they were thriving.

    I mean, talking to some of these folk on gaming forums is pointless, from my experience at least, because they can be provided with proof in a debate of sorts, and still refute it. They don't like receiving a rude awakening, but sometimes humouring them with kindness is not working out.

    It's like they prefer doing these mental gymnastics to convince themselves that Capcom, Square Enix, Naughty Dog, or whatever, is all the rage.

    Like, gee. Sorry for stepping on your toes. You know? They always like to argue the toss with people, even when they know they just got rumbled with real hard evidence.

    SCT Guy, Today at 8:18 AM
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 10-20-2023 at 12:03 PM. Reason: punctuation

  8. #48
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Sometimes it's hard to be a moron

    Poor wikkle sad potato.
    I guess being a full time fucknut just isn't the fulfilling hobby it once was for the jizzclown.
    Maybe this will be the year it finally quits the internet...?
    Perhaps a change of scene would help - I hear Saughton do a nice Christmas lunch, Peter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Caffeine Addict
    Tuesday at 5:49 PM

    I was posting on NeoGAF and got banned. I don't think my ban was very fair. Then I rejoined and got banned a second time. They didn't even send me a PM to refer to any violation of their rules. So I think it was a case of them being shitty for whatever reason. But I was kind of annoyed about it, as I had made a lot of posts.

    Yeah. I know you probably don't post about RE6 there. They will probably flame you. I once said that 6 was more RE than 4 and 5, because of the zombies. Then they just posted in a really snide way, as if I was delusional. Yet a lot of these knobs never even played the pre-RE4 era games. So like, what the hell?

    Personally, I don't care about the post count one has, as such. It's not like it's a popularity contest to have a higher amount of posts over other users. But if you post frequently and make an effort to explain things, it sure feels like a kick in the balls when you get outed. Well, that and when you know they aren't interested in your opinions in any case.

    Anyway, I had actually considered not posting on forums anymore. I think it's somewhat pointless in 2023 to still be doing it. People don't use forums much now because of social media platforms like X, which I cannot say I care much for. Plus, with my mum passing away too, my heart isn't in it with certain topics any longer.

    As you may know, I have been dealing with this stalking nutbag for a long time, who I think is this serial troll living in Western Australia. He floods this dead anxiety forum with bizarre spam and abusive comments every week for attention, then denies having multiple aliases. He is this dude who was a member of forums I posted on in 2004.

    I'm to the point now where I don't even feel like responding to his crap on that site, or anywhere else. I simply feel no motivation to fuel such a bitter person on the Internet, who probably has a sad life offline anyway. Because I did reply and all he kept doing was repeating the same nonsense.

    He was even following me to these wikis on Fandom. Because these kind of sites are poorly maintained, I decided just to stop using them a while back.

    Basically, he was being a moron and editing the pages I was, to be subscribed to them. Ones I started up about the American box office, and stuff. So this meant if I came back to edit anything again, even with an IP address (before guest editing was seemingly disabled), he was being notified. This was all part of his clever plan to get me riled up.

    Anyway, he has been doing this now for well over 6 years. He obsessively subscribes to me on YouTube too, makes blogs or whatever calling me a potato, impersonates me on other forums like Umbrella Online, and generally just acts in a very peculiar manner. But this guy is over 30 years old. He also got my address details and provided this to people I mentioned.

    Rather unfortunately, Australia is full of drongos. When you call the pigs there, they don't even bother to head to his apartment to warn him.

    Yeah. He posts these stupid videos where he is kicking a bucket down stairs or throwing a Pepsi bottle, in reference to my family having a dog called Pepsi. Once, he even signed up to Silent Hill Community with that name.

    The authorities Down Under like being awkward. I will say that.

  9. #49
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Porntato

    Oh sweet baby Jesus, please god, no.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Yesterday at 9:50 PM

    I occasionally make porn. If I upload it somewhere, I will send you the links privately. LOL.

  10. #50
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - beyond parody

    The lack of self-awareness Spudanus displays is truly astounding sometimes.

    Quote Originally Posted by CrowingJoe79
    Posted yesterday at 09:14 AM

    If anybody gives you a hard time online, it's best to ignore them, because they probably have thin skin and it probably wasn't your fault they got offended. Most of the people who act like that are just attention-seeking losers with an inferiority complex, who want to be right 24/7 and have no friends offline to brag of. :heh:

    I've been dealing with a radge pot from Australia who is a lot like this, so I know the feeling.



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