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  1. #31
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - at it again

    Sexual harassment and stalking now being equivalent to being a bit peckish. What sort of fucking demented deluded nutjob thinks this is OK?

    Quote Originally Posted by Grace Saunders
    The pigs are bent...
    Years ago, I had issues with support workers at a company called Autism Initiatives, which has a branch in Edinburgh. Although they are actually based all across the UK. The pigs arrested me so many times over commotion involving former employees of the agency, Autism Initiatives...

    This mess basically occurred because I let my belly rumble, and I said I liked my Spanish key worker, and another woman overreacted too. It's a long story... but their bosses called "Seniors" called the police to come to my flat, in their supported accommodation, then denied it. But they got in using spare keys. So why deny it? This carry on was wrenching away at my heart, and it eventually caused me to get angry, and over the years, the system had me imprisoned on remand and sentenced, so I went to 3 prisons in Scotland. Also got falsely accused of being a sex offender over heated (dirty) emails I sent. Although a sheriff said that was not true.

    2 years ago, the 5 years non harassment order ended in May or so of 2020, for one of these women. Yet the police broke into my flat with a warrant shortly thereafter, and charged me. However, their excuse was that I posted a video online, ranting about her. But it was like a year old. So going by the timing of their arrival, I think it was a ploy they conjured up. At the station, they didn't state why I was there. I had to find out the following day. All they said was that I was being taken to court, the next working day. Then they had the cow being granted a new order. It is for 10 years, so it's twice as long. And my mum thinks they cooked up a sham. The order, after all, had ended.

    Years of calling other law firms, the court and people in general has ranked up so much stress. Nobody wants to know. The staff keep telling me to use links on a site they have. But I don't know the law from Adam, really. It's like Double Dutch. But they just pass me from pillar to post, over and over again. Going to advice shops is also incredibly pointless.

    Just so you know, my name is Peter. Not Grace. This Grace is a character in a game, if you felt confused by my choice of identity...
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 07-04-2022 at 02:25 PM.

  2. #32
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson: was a cunt, is a cunt, will always be a cunt.

    Still whining about SWs not putting up with his shit:

    Please don't book her. She is not very sane, or nice...

    05-07-2022, 18:37 (This post was last modified: 05-07-2022, 23:10 by Queenie500. Edit Reason: I just wanted to spread out my paragraphs, as well as correct a few spelling mistakes. )
    A year ago, this user blocked me on WhatsApp for saying I have autism. Well, I think I brought up personal issues as well. But her blocking me was kind of offensive, as I have been trying for long enough to meet girls on adultwork.com over the years. However, it's quite frankly, been a fruitless pursuit. They're all incredibly awkward.
    Interesting that Peter cares about spelling mistakes, but apparently not about the fact that everything else Peter does is a fucking mistake.

    The lady's real name is actually [REDACTED]. I found her profile on Facebook, as she was "recommended" to me. She probably went probing for my own profile after she declined me, but I don't really bother with Facebook. It just randomly popped up in a list of users that I may know.

    Her face was familiar to me, as I had seen videos of her doing BDSM content. Otherwise, you don't really see her face often, as it's locked behind a paywall. But I did, at the time.

    I sent her a lot of messages this past year, initially being a bit on the nasty side.
    I wonder, does this being a total cunt opening gambit usually work for the fucknugget?
    In recent months, I was usually just mucking around and trying to tell funny jokes, to see if I could get on her good side. Eventually, she told me my real name and address in an email, as some Australian wanker I have issues with online, and who I know from old Resident Evil websites, went spamming it on a site for anxiety discussions, all because it's dead. Which he still does on a near daily basis, actually, with like 6428 different identities, being a colossal bogan from down under. Besides being an arsehole in general on YouTube, this guy is super creepy.

    At first, [REDACTED] was kind of sympathetic about my personal problems. She in turn told me her address is this estate called [REDACTED], that I think is located somewhere in Perth. But I don't get why she moaned about me going to dox her if she told me it of her own accord.
    Presumably that'll be Perth in Australia, in Peter's head. I see the concept of consent is foreign to Peter; "I saw her touching her own tits so I don't understand why she got upset when I touched them?"
    Then a few months ago, she got a lawyer to have sheriff officers deliver me paperwork following a warning letter, because I uploaded a video on YouTube, talking to my mate on my mobile about receiving it, whilst laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. Although I didn't think she was serious. But hey, she must be loaded with cash. Because initially, I thought the house belonged to [REDACTED], and that it was somewhere in Glasgow. Her location reads as Glasgow, at least.

    She accused me of slandering her. I kid you not.
    Literally what you're fucking doing, you fucking cuntwomble.
    She made a sarcastic comment about possessing a torture room and that we could shoot a horror film in the mansion, so I got sarcastic back, and said that she caused people to vanish. The sheriff in the court questioned me about that.

    Despite the fact she registered under an anonymous name to call me a cunt on a random mental health forum, and never bothered to say to her solicitor that I reached out and offered an apology of my own free will, she had me going to the civil court via a web meeting this past May. And she doesn't have a third name called [REDACTED]. That's really the name of her co-worker, from the Netherlands.

    Couldn't get any legal support before the deadline they stated, so they essentially just dismissed the case, but gave her the blooming non harassment order anyway. Then she recently gloated on her Twitter feed about getting a non harassment order granted for 3 years, which I don't think I will bother appealing, as it would cost more money than I care to fork out over a bimbo with a huge ego and no sense of humour, and she has the proof of my correspondence with her saved anyway. Therefore, she would cry wolf about me abusing her, and probably win.
    I don't think Peter understands what that phrase means. It's not crying wolf when you've actually fucking done it, you jizzstain.
    Had one of her simping male followers threatening to beat me up too.

    The thing is, it's not just her that has a funny attitude either. There is a whole bunch of these switches and so-called mistresses that she is familiar with, who also know the owner of Maison de Debauch, which is a fetish dungeon at Easter Road in Edinburgh. I'd watch out, as they will probably try to accuse a guy of being a sexual predator when you turn on them for having a distinctly, unpleasant nature about them.
    You are a fucking sexual predator you rancid lump of smegma. Stalking women is your second obsession after talking nonsense about Resident Evil.
    And please don't pay for any custom videos they may offer you either, as the chances are, they're thinking up clever ways to go scamming you. They also often charge you money to read replies in the direct messages section or to look at crappy 5 second, 'no effort required ' clips on OnlyFans that can be freeloaded elsewhere, and they will likely refuse to acknowledge meetings, as it's against the rules.

    Someone called [REDACTED] attempted this tactic a year ago. However, I wasn't charged. The police interviewed me and then they deceptively avoided saying too much. When I went to court over something unrelated, the sheriff very briefly mentioned a section 52 offense. That's when a person is supposed to be inciting or causing prostitution, I believe.

    They seem like pretty weird women overall, not to mention arrogant. I have emailed many people like [REDACTED] in Fife and several others, and they were sort of okay at first, until the feedback began to pour in. That gave them a huge ego boost. Now they're blocking me, rejecting me as a client, and mocking me at every chance they get. But they didn't start off that way. Plus, their prices are absolutely shoddy as well. [REDACTED].[REDACTED]. [REDACTED]. [REDACTED]. You name it. They're all friends with each other.
    And yet you still don't take the hit you obtuse fucking potato-brained asswipe.
    Yet I used nicknames to contact them, so I don't know how they know it's myself who is messaging them each time.
    It's almost as though your stench precedes you, you malodorous cockroach.
    In fact, several years back, a user on this very forum went privately emailing the owner of that place false crap about how I wanted to go out with a professional Spanish sub girl from there, who was going there temporarily. But they all come across as being very shallow, and I don't think it's basic kinky fun they're seeking from men either. More like legal physical and mental abuse. You cannot even message them on adultwork.com or OnlyFans about anything considerably vanilla or normal to get some small talk started, but they will act very odd right away, think you're mucking them about and demand a tribute, and then try to make out you're the one who is being a weirdo.
    Peter, you are most definitely the fucking weirdo.
    Mollycoddled, much?

    All they want is money and power, and they seem awfully demanding. Bella did mention 'being in power' on Twitter after bragging about successfully being able to sue me. But granted, though, they probably had a lot of "bicycle accidents" in their life, so to speak. You can tell something has triggered them, as I saw a similar story elsewhere about a woman who was a top dominatrix, but eventually retired, and admitted it took over her life. But I would be cautiously optimistic about seeing any of these women, to be honest. This shit is precisely why I hate adultwork.com now.

    P.S. I am not trying to badmouth Bella or say you should 100% not see her. But I would be wary of her kind, as they're unprofessional. They're kind of not your normal sex workers, if you ask me. Definitely into sadist activities, and have open hatred for men, probably because of a terrible experience they've suffered in the past.

    Watch their videos. They say so many derogatory things about guys. Devils with a human appearance, if you will.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 07-07-2022 at 02:40 PM.

  3. #33
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson is a long winded cockbadger

    But wait, the anal pustule isn't finished, theres more!

    05-07-2022, 23:51 (This post was last modified: 05-07-2022, 23:53 by Queenie500.)
    Double post.

    Of course, this is the official adultwork.com forum, I assume. So you don't have to take my word for it.

    All in all, I think the only great thing about the site now is the layout. Trying to gain a meet on there with anybody is tough, as the users write their profiles like it's a big demand list. No this, no that.

    I get that women want to deter those who may be aiming to waste their time, but it doesn't come across as very friendly. Quite the opposite, in fact. Not to mention all of the fake accounts that show up on the site, making it a chore to sift through the profiles to find someone who may be genuine.

    I would suggest just going to a sauna, where the chicks are often way more pleasant. Then again, it's all random as to what you'll get, so it may not necessarily be any better. But it's somewhat cheaper, and you know the place is there when you need a quick pump and go. Until the government has them all closed. I've met some really laid back women in these venues.
    You mean where the "chicks" aren't aware of your presence until it's too late.
    As for [REDACTED]...

    I'm sure she's kicking herself for squandering over £1000 in legal costs. Seriously, doll. That was sad.

    Next to the pigs, she's behaving like a real piece of shit.

    The pigs in Scotland really are, what my mate labels as being the Wankers Association. Years ago, all they ever did was cater to this lying spic who was serving as my key worker, and one other ex support worker as well.
    "Spic" eh? Not racist at all. Here we go....
    Basically, I fancied this support worker from Autism Initiatives, so they fucked me over and had me falsely imprisoned in 3 jails, besides arresting me like, 8312 times, all because I was agitated over not being able to make amends with them. It was just 2 years ago, when the fuzz cooked up a ploy.
    Life is so unfair, isn't it Peter? It's almost like they thought you were a nasty, creepy, violent, stalking, sexually harassing, recidivist fucking shitbag?
    They broke into my flat, arrested me, and didn't say why I was at the station. This is because I posted a video, ranting about this [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] wrecking my life (because they did).
    No Peter - you have no life, and all your troubles are of your own making.
    Yet the pigs were sneaky, and waited until the bogus non harassment order ended. As in the original one that one of the women received in 2015. It had ended roughly around that time period. Then the court deferred things like 3285 times because of the coronavirus bullshit, just to grant the slag a new order for 10 years. They also did this for an actress I had beef with, because I got mad at her for constantly slandering me and trying to prevent me from being a film extra.
    It's almost like they cant see the warm, witty, intelligent, kind, caring, gentle soul that we all see in Peter...
    My own lawyer was a moron too, as I gave him a USB stick ages ago. He claims he lost it, then went laughing on the phone with somebody present, when he was meant to take the situation more seriously as my legal representative. He was useless in court in any case, but when I attempted to have him replaced at long last, he bitched at me on the phone once for supposedly saying his service was so shitty. Says he got me bail, and whatnot.
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Murray is a fucking miracle worker to keep you out of Carstairs, let alone Saughton.
    I'm not able to get anything resolved, as I rang up the court and multiple legal firms countless times, and ended up getting messed around. Once, I went to one of these advice shops fairly local to me, but the cow I seen just left the room, came back 20 minutes later, and told me to seek out a lawyer. Since then, it has been a lost cause, because when you call around, they pass me from pillar to post.
    Almost like you don't have a fucking leg to stand on, you fucking mental piece of shit.
    Besides those bitches, I had a guy there too supporting me, called [REDACTED]. I met him back in 2008. He then sent me malicious emails while he was still employed for that agency, saying shit about a wrestling star, like, "Eddie Guerrero was a pussy and he killed himself because he realized he was gay!" Or something like that. What a jerk!
    Eddie Guerrero was a pussy...
    The bottom line is, the world is full of vindictive assholes, and online, it's a lot worse because of the anonymity it provides.
    At last we agree on something - the world is full of vindictive assholes, and online, it's a lot worse because of the anonymity it provides for Peter Ross Anderson, and the fact that it allows the fucking demented shut-in to harass women without even having to leave his creepy little flat.
    You know the one...
    Where is Peter's Flat again?

  4. #34
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Andesron - just when you think Peter has reached peak stupid....

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    [...]and even a guy I know on YouTube called you a hater.
    Thanks, that genuinely gave me a laugh. I think in the entire history of human discourse that has to be the single weakest attempt at appeal to authority that anyone has ever seen.

  5. #35
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson is incapable of doing anything correctly

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Funny how this site has nothing about Nemesis, the support workers, or even you on there.

    Why the fuck would there be?
    Moron can't even post a link properly.
    There. Fixed it for you.

  6. #36
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - the turd that won't flush

    So potatohead is quitting the internet again, and this time the fuckface really, really, really means it (could be for a whole week if we're lucky).
    So far, nothing noteworthy there, but this bit was a new bit of entertainingly delusional arsegravy:

    Quote Originally Posted by Green Leech Charm
    But it's also a case of me firing on all cylinders for years non stop, and getting burned out as a result.
    What the actual fuck? "Firing on all cylinders" - you mean the cunt has more than one? Jesus Fucking Christ, I'd hate to see what smegstain half-assing it looks like if this is the twat giving it everything!

    Quote Originally Posted by Green Leech Charm
    Fortunately, I plan on retiring one last time from message boards, in the summer. Although I often feel like the Terry Funk of the RE world with all the times I said I was officially quitting forums, only to last several weeks before coming back in full throttle mode. But I have been absent from forums for about 4 months on the odd occasion.
    Wow. A whole 4 months eh? Presumably no wifi in HMP Barlinnie? At least even Peter's tiny little brain is starting to manage to grasp how ridiculous this constant impotent flouncing is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Green Leech Charm
    When people feel sad that I'm not doing my usual complaining, they get awfully curious and sad in equal measures. So like the genie Robin Williams played, I come out of my magic lamp if enough folk wish upon my contributions.
    Drugs. I can only attribute this to heavy drug use. Presumably Peter has started smoking meth or something?
    Nobody. Absolutely nobody, ever was sad or curious about Peter not posting. The only resemblance that Peter has to Robin Williams, is that Mr Williams has been dead for nine years, so quite possibly is beginning to smell a bit like Peter at this point.

  7. #37
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Plumbing new depths of stupid

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Today at 1:07 PM

    I don't post videos on YouTube any more, because of that Australian cockroach, James Berich. If I was gonna play a horror game, I would rather play it by myself with no interruptions, since I love to have total isolation with a scary game.
    Still not James. If we could keep the cuntwaffle off YouTube that'd be something, but unfortunately the little goblinturd keeps resurfacing every now and then.
    The mental image of Spudanus playing with itself is indeed horrific.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    I don't see the point in vlogging anyway. Nobody under Capcom's payroll cares about the truth of where the Resident Evil franchise has headed. In fact, I wouldn't say half of them are even shills for Capcom. They just want Capcom to notice them.
    It's not just Capcom employees that don't care what fucknugget thinks; The senpai notice me vibes are weird here....

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    I do enjoy the social side of streaming, but I don't think it's good to be prostituting your life story online for every annoying radge pot to know about.
    One dislike. What social side? Peter might as well just sit on the upper deck of the N30 and espouse its views on Capcom to the drunks and tramps. It's only £3, cheaper than hiring a prostitute to listen to the smegcheese's ranting and it would probably get more traction than streaming. Might even end up in traction, come to that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    It's not fair to make people mods to boot off troublemakers, either. And the guy is a knob anyway. Like, imagine spamming up somebody's dead forum, when you're 37 years old. That's seriously moronic.

    I don't care if there's a grudge going on, or a mental issue that encourages him to do it. That's really childish and disgraceful when you're a fully grown man, cyber pestering a guy that honestly doesn't give two fucks about your opinions. If I was gonna take on board anything he was spouting about, he would have seen results by now. So why continue to do it, other than to be ignorant?
    The pissnozzle clearly does care, as it's struggling with basic english syntax by this point. The complete lack of self awareness of this serial stalker and harasser complaining about unpleasant behaviour is just jaw-dropping.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    I've actually seen what this guy looks like. Giant paedophilic spectacles. Obese in appearance. No friends. I think he had a dog called Cody, but it was years ago. And he calls me fat, when it's only my tummy that has signs of any real weight. So what he says about me is actually true of himself.
    You have no idea what I look like, Spudanus. I've never owned a dog. I'm in excellent health. I think you're confusing me with someone else... oh yeah, James. But I'm not James. So none of those things are true. All you've done there is establish that you are stalking James.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Of course, he says he's not James.
    Of course I will say that I'm not James. That's because I'm not James; Who would claim to be that who was not?
    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Then after you figure out he's the sour grape from 2004 behind the pointless bullshit, he just continues to deflect, despite me having at least four pieces of evidence. He even likes to slag off how I pronounce the word evidence, regularly substituting the V for a D. Which just makes him look a fool. And thesaunderschild is not as dumb as he may look.
    Ah, the infamous edivence. Fuckwit can't even say the word, let alone grasp the concept. In fairness, I'll give it the 'not as dumb as it looks' one on a technicality, given that it's probably impossible for anything to be quite as dumb as the mingeflap looks; You could be the rotting corpse of a salmon and still display enough signs of intelligence to not be as dumb as Spudanus looks. Seriously.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Like, seriously. How many people that are aged 37 do you know that stalks a stranger in Scotland, and does this 24/7 online? You would think he would be concerned about getting arrested. And then he makes it look worse by pretending to have recruited back up, when he was caught on the active users menu logging in and out of sock puppets.

    Who's laughing? Who's in support of his antics? Nobody. Nobody whatsoever.
    I only post from this account you feeble minded turdcake; all those other users posting - not me.
    That said, I find them funny.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    I mean, the police would know if he was lying. If he was asked, "How does (my name) know you, despite not being in Australia?" And if he said, "I don't know, officer", they would know he was lying. Because it's not possible to pretend you don't know somebody when they clearly know a lot about you.
    That probably sounded better in your head, eh? Maybe it made sense there?

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    You know? That's just being a dumb fuck. But he probably just gathered, "Ha, ha. I live Down Under. Guess what? Untouchable, is me!"

    Nobody is untouchable. There's always a back door to your shit. No pun intended.
    I don't know about that. Fuckface is pretty untouchable. Even when it tries to pay people to touch it, they try their best to dodge it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    But yeah, man. He's a headcase. People like him are why loony bins exist.
    I think, as previously established, Kenneth failing to pull out in time and spunking in Tania's rancid minge instead of splooging across her saggy tits, is what is taxing the mental health services - at least in Edinburgh.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 07-07-2023 at 05:13 PM. Reason: typos

  8. #38
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Stick it in the piggy

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Today at 5:20 PM

    I was supposed to save up for a solicitor in Perth. I got asked to call somebody. But some firms charge $200 per hour.

    I didn't really want to sue him, per se. I really just wanted an interdict with a power of arrest taken out against him.

    Seeing as how I'm in the UK, I don't know if that's possible. But I'll see what I can do.
    You'd have thought that surely the scrotewart would be able to save up some money as a result of the sex workers blacklisting it.
    It can't have spent that much on fruit?

  9. #39
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - telling it like it isn't

    If it wasn't for the fact that this was posted by one of fuckface's known accounts, I'd honestly have assumed it was a parody.
    Its state of constant bewilderment at the world might be endearing if it wasn't coming from such an evil, demented psychopath.
    I do wonder though, was this sparked by Potatoface trying to spend its CeX money as sex money?
    Also, what's with the janitor thing? Has Spudanus seen too many Scooby-Doo episodes and just assumes that the janitor is always really the owner in disguise?
    No interpolated commentary this time, I feel the comedy shines through without any need for embellishment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Mnemonic

    Sex workers all seem to be mental these days...
    Today at 1:13 AM.

    There's tons of women on AdultWork.com, OnlyFans, X and all that, who are not the full shilling. You only very occasionally find someone who is normal or sincere. But any other person is a lost cause.

    A lot of them are variably sinister, odd, useless, or just blatantly a time waster, which makes registering feel relatively pointless. However, you cannot deny the ladies do look hot, which is basically why you get lured in and tag them. With how they post too, you would think some of them were living rent free in La La Land. I can't say they are all like this. But here's an example...

    Buy me a house, loser. Buy me a car, you piece of trash. Buy me a luxury holiday for me and my friends. The hell?


    Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?


    They clearly don't like men or guys with autism either. But of course, they will lie through their teeth and deny it all, while incessantly tweeting self-indulgent, misandry inspired, or otherwise just senseless babble. That, and some of them are actually scammers. But if you speak up truthfully about their attitude to expose them for the frauds they are, they begin a smear campaign of sorts with other sex workers they know throughout the UK. A practice known as blackballing.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they were into witch boards too. They seem distinctively bizarre. Nothing like those making an honest living anyway.

    A few years ago, I added some weirdo on WhatsApp to ask for a tickle related booking, and she blocked me for what I felt was no reason. She claims she has a posh mansion up in Scotland, where she films fetish content with some elder skank, who looks to be way past her prime. That and covering her own buttocks in poop, despite having a Facebook account under her real name with minors who are related to her.

    Then she went to a mental health forum I used to be active on, calling me the C word in a DM, using an alias I wasn't familiar with.

    Unfortunately, I didn't know it was her, as I usually get bothered by this worse troll I know because of him being an Australian guy from old forums I used to visit years ago. I mentioned him on here already, because he's actually highly ignorant and needs his balls chopped off.

    After attempting to apologise to her, she ignored every single message I sent, and then eventually complained to a lawyer because I used counter sarcasm after she said we could shoot a horror movie.

    I have had a history of being slandered and rejected by women, because I visited a dungeon one time in my city, back in 2016. They probably sensed I was a bit backwards, which I really am not. Thought it would be funny to make me feel like crap. So ever since then, many women affiliated with the domme who runs that place have been talking about me, creating a lot of nasty rumours. I even contacted the janitor who operates it once, but he's a moron as well.

    If someone adds a wishlist on Amazon by the way, and reveals their real name through their delivery address, that's not actually 'doxxing' someone. That's the woman in question being clumsy with information that's best kept private. So crying wolf later on is just stupid.

    Speaking of being clumsy, I told some of these oddballs I was acting in films, and let them know about my IMDb page before, which obviously has my real name listed. And so on.

    To be honest, even if you're just trying to spark up a chat, it's probably better to be more discreet about what you tell people. The same goes with just about any stranger you want to talk to online. Because I certainly regret telling people my real name, my location, and whatnot.

    But Facebook is a lot of rubbish as well. It's just spam too, with nothing productive. Eye candy is what it is. Eye candy. They just want you to be a simp so they can mock you and leave you feeling embarrassed for being another sucker who thought he could get lucky.

    On OnlyFans, the videos don't even play for me because my connection at home is rubbish. But your direct messages aren't private. The folk running that site can see your outgoing messages to the people you subscribe to. So you cannot ask content creators to meet up in person. This would be a violation of the terms of service.

    You can sometimes ask them on AW, social media, or their personal website about a session. Tipping them is important, but I recommend you don't overdo it with anyone that doesn't seem genuine. Most of the women on Twitter are into findom only as a means to get a free ride and can pretend to be a domme too, to receive more money. This is shallow and giving legitimate dommes a bad reputation, who only expect a tip or a gift as a gesture of good faith.

    But be prepared to be doing a lot of separating the chaff from the wheat if you show any intetest in getting to know them as people. I also wanted to add that I don't judge their actual services, as such. I don't have to say what these are. Just use your imagination. Whipping. Tickling. Ballbusting. And whatever else they offer.

    But it is a colossal waste of time being enamoured with people like this. I feel the same way about video games forums, like GameSpot or ResetEra, which are always full of radge pots. Seeing as how they are blatantly serving as fanboys for Capcom and all that rot, engaging with them is just a daft idea. For it's a non starter.

    Edited for a few typos.

    P.S. You don't have to quote the entire post in a reply.

    Regards, from Peter.

  10. #40
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 10-09-2023 at 03:25 AM.



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