Name somebody online you know who is an asshole...
I will start with three. You can cast up one or more people if you want to...
#1: James B.
A weirdo Australian guy from Perth, who is supposedly aged 37. Despite that, you would think he is 5. He makes all of these accounts to slag me off, stalk me, and spam a lot of bullshit on forums. But this is usually something he prefers doing on unmoderated forums.
Constantly subscribes to me on YouTube as well. The guy gets blocked, but this doesn't stop people from viewing your shit.
Unfortunately, Google doesn't give two fucks when you complain about harassment and privacy breaches, and it's a tedious process that involves completing a form each time somebody is being a cunt.
Even so. That's sad how a fully grown adult does things like that for attention.
#2: Nicola M.
Goes by the stage name Nicolette McKeown. An established indie actress who has been in many no name, zero budget movies.
I never met her, but I acted in a film she had a speaking part in, some 7 years ago. I was one of the zombies.
After she blocked me on Twitter, for supposedly having seen tweets I made to porn stars (which was her official excuse), she claims I was harassing her. Yet, get this - I had zero interest in her.
She got a plethora of producers to blackball me so I lost out on being in some films. It took me a while to really pin it on her being behind it, but a special effects guy she met on a fan film for a game cost me a part in a short film called Glitch. Then this happened with other films too.
Yeah, but the arsehole took my money on Indiegogo. As part of the perk, I was supposed to be giving a part as an extra. This happened with a lot of other people too. People I didn't know, nor give a shit about. All I was interested in was being an extra. Which if you think about it, that's really sad. An actual actress slanders a background extra. Because typically, background extras don't get lines or even much screen-time in a movie.
In 2019, I was talking to idiots on Discord. They broadcast this shit to YouTube. I was arguing with them about games. Then they mentioned her at random. She was also contacting a singer about me. Pete Wylie from the band Wah! in Liverpool.
My lawyer was an asshole. I put proof on a USB stick. He didn't even bring it to court, or mention it. So she got her way. But of course, the judges are retarded and incompetent anyway.
She's got fibromyalgia, but it apparently doesn't affect her tongue.
Granted, the pigs are bent in any case. They came to my flat 3 years ago, but they arrested me over a lot of pointless shit in the past. This time though, it was a complete sham. It was a ploy.
Now being what my mate refers to as being the Wankers Association, I know that Police Scotland loves to tell lies. They attempted to get me done with a section 52 charge once for supposedly inciting prostitution. This is because I essentially called a ho a ho for not sending me a custom video I paid for a few years ago. Or I said she should be one.
Due to her already being a fleecing skank, the fuzz cannot irreversibly fuck up your record because what you're saying about the trash bag bimbo is actually true. But yeah. They lay it on a lot. Other times, they had me going to a station for a chat. But this was to interview me and potentially arrest me when other morons were accusing me of false shit as well.
Anyway, their main beef with me is because I had issues with two ex support workers from Autism Initiatives called Joanna and Sara, who are scum. They got these no contact orders granted in court, and my life has been utter dog shit for years now. One of the women had it expiring in 2020 though, basically during the era of "Kung Flu" when the lockdown commenced. Calling this law firm and that law firm and this NHS hotline got me fucking nowhere. Seriously. It was a colossal waste of my time. Now I am at a loss of what to do, so I consider myself to be retired, living on disability welfare.
Then they came in June that year, to cause more trouble. Literally days later after the order ran out. It was always shoddy as fuck with the piggy tossers regardless, but even still.
They took me to the station and violated my rights. They never told me why I was there. I went to court the next day and my lawyer said I put a rant video online like a whole fucking year previously. So that's how I know they conjured up this arrest to gift her a new order on a silver platter. Then she got a new one for 10 years for essentially fuck all, as did other people.
Damned oinkers. Don't trust them. Don't dial 101 and don't pretend they care.
#3: youngdefiant.
OK. I have no quarrel with him. But I think he makes really shitty clickbait YouTube videos, just for views and attention. He says every game sucks, but rarely bothers to say why the thing he is speaking of, actually sucks. Yet this fool has thousands of subs who seem to think he's the shit. Although he's not the only YouTuber who has made a career out of being deceptive.
I always just say it how it is, unfiltered, and yet nobody watches me. And to be honest, I don't expect any donations for your time. I just do it to spread awareness, as a passionate fan or critic. Yet that bothers people, because they're just shilling for Capcom and whoever else.
Go figure!
Anyway, let me know who you believe is a total asshole on the Internet. There's certainly a lot of them going around...