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  1. #21
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson misses the good old days

    It's not easy being a full time fucknut:

    Trust me when I say I want to forget about what happened. I could care much less if I never saw any of these people again. But I have all this junk on my record that could prevent me from getting jobs for several more years. A lot of agencies for film extras state that you have to register on their websites, fill in all the red tape, and submit up to date DBS information, and that is mandatory for all their talent. So I am basically probably going to be missing out on opportunities to get a part in a major film as a blurry dot in a crowd, because I got mad at two people that I believe wronged me. It may not seem like a big deal because it's just extra work and a lot of people may not even be visible on screen in the final cut, but some of these movies are high profile feature films that would look great on their IMDb page.

    The summary on my disclosure paperwork has racism, sexual harassment and stalking as the convictions, which is why I was sent to Barlinnie in 2015. I was only being like that because I was mad at being betrayed. If I could do it all over again, well... I would have been upset, but maybe I could have gotten something done about it had I known how. Even other inmates in prison thought it was 'petty' that I was doing time for that.

    The protection hall in my local jail had no room at that time, and I was fully committed, so I could have been in jail for months, which ended up being what occurred. If I had not contacted any of them again, it would have been wiped from my record in 2020, because the restraining orders were granted for the ladies and one of their ex-boyfriends in 2015 to run for a total of 5 years. But last year, a sheriff in Livingston where this Spanish lady apparently may be living now, extended it to 10 years, and I was sentenced to 70 days in jail. But before I was up for release, another sheriff from my neck of the woods, gave me a concurrent sentence because I did not carry out unpaid work from earlier last year, but that was in regards to a different case where I was repeatedly contacting a singer on Twitter, that I used to be a fan of. He was the lead singer of a band called Wah! over 30 years ago, and we got on great to begin with, then he turned against me. This hurt me deeply, as the guy was like a "hero" to me. It made me feel like crap.

    When I asked the officers in jail why I was going to Barlinnie when they gave me zero notice at all, they said I was down as a sex offender, so I could not stay there. And that day, my mother had been booked in for a visit and she had to be told I was being transferred to Glasgow. All I did was say to the women in emails that I was going to have sex with someone, and record us doing it. That was it. Even my supervisor told my mother that was wrong what they did, when they made up that hooey about me being a sex offender. But great insults can last a long time. The one I got from that other support worker about Eddie Guerrero being a (vulgar word for vagina) has really stuck with me, and some of the other things he said was pitiful as well. They likely fired him, but they would not reveal whether that happened or not.

    In fact, the bosses kept saying to me that I could not bring escorts into my flat. Once I had no money and I told them that this was the reason why I was skint, and they said I would be thrown out if I did it again. I eventually complained to an agency about recruiting responsible sex workers for disabled people, called the TLC Trust, and I explained that it was not illegal to invite a woman into my home for intimacy. So they called them and the staff said it was fine. But if I had never challenged it, they would have kept acting like I was doing something wrong. It did not matter in the long run, because I never went back. When I was on bail, they barred me from even collecting my mail or walking near that street, and as I said, they conjured up a story to get me to willfully declare away my tenancy, after saying I had rent arrears that the council was supposed to be paying for me. Hence why I keep saying they're serial liars.

    And like I said, all manner of people were blabbing behind my back, being a stool pigeon, or sending me emails pretending to know my ex. As in, the girl I met years ago who kept using me to buy her goodies from an Argos store, who had also been taken me for a sucker, and whatnot. She even left me along a canal once, telling me to wait around on her returning, and she never came back. Her excuse was that she visited her friends, and fell asleep. So... I have had it really tough.

  2. #22
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Who are you talking to, man?

    You're essentially talking to yourself.

    None of the users on here or elsewhere, are interested in reading your bullshit.
    Again just repeating your own insecurities aren't you?

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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Who are you talking to, man?

    You're essentially talking to yourself.

    None of the users on here or elsewhere, are interested in reading your bullshit.
    He's right. I mean, at least you've given some life to this place and brought certain people back, but from where I'm standing you just seem utterly obsessed with Pedro.
    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_self_of_all_selves View Post
    Gypsy, are you on the autism forum, too?
    No, I don't have autism. I may have ADHD though I think.
    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_self_of_all_selves View Post
    Pedro, does the autism forum only want people with autism, or can other mental disorders join?
    "Anyone is welcome."

    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_self_of_all_selves View Post
    Have you made an account there, Bush? I'll try to make one tomorrow
    I was seriously looking at everyone and wondering "who's Bush?" Now I remember.. One of your dumb jokes with Nixon. No, I said I'm not autistic!! Well ok, I'll make the account.

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    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_self_of_all_selves View Post
    You're autistic for this D
    I'll be autistic by the end of this!
    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    MORE lying shite!
    Just like you’re lying about the severity of your crimes and wrongdoings to all these people, right? How about that time you went on an enraged, childish tirade and uttered multiple death threats towards your local police station and former support workers in a video you published online? What about your absurd attempts at suing former supports in yet another illustration of your obstinacy from accepting the unavoidable truth? And that truth is you’re just another bad apple that rightfully got what he deserved. Why don’t you just go back to jail? Better yet, could you just disappear and never return? Do it.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimReaper View Post
    Just like you’re lying about the severity of your crimes and wrongdoings to all these people, right? How about that time you went on an enraged, childish tirade and uttered multiple death threats towards your local police station and former support workers in a video you published online? What about your absurd attempts at suing former supports in yet another illustration of your obstinacy from accepting the unavoidable truth? And that truth is you’re just another bad apple that rightfully got what he deserved. Why don’t you just go back to jail? Better yet, could you just disappear and never return? Do it.
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    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  10. #30
    Senior Member
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    Copy and paste in your address bar:

    This is the edivence that Peter Ross Anderson (The Scottish Pedro) of Edinburgh, Scotland is trying to cover up because it exposes him. In fact, it was because of this recording that he was arrested and sentenced to serve time in his local jail. Rightfully so!

    In the video, you hear him utter death threats towards several individuals and even hints at engaging in a terrorist act when he expresses an intent on bombing his local police station. After he served time, he downplayed the whole incident across message boards with comments such as that he was just "blowing off steam."

    This is how delusional this convicted criminal is, folks.



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