Welcome to the Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2018

    For anyone with a fear

    Life should be lived without fears and worries. You shouldn't let a fear take over your daily basics and keep you from enjoying a life that has a purpose and full of joy. I used to be afraid of many things until I started a relationship with God , I gave him all my worries and fear and he took over them . I got my life back and my happiness back, if I can do it you can do it just trust him and watch it change your life together. You will finally be lifted from your problems and be free for fears. At the end you got a whole life a head of you that should be live by happiness and no worries. Hopefully this help you msg if you have any questions I be glad to help you.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2013
    Welcome to the forum. The atypical form of worship and the God to which you refer + the ideals manifested from that; are in fact largely responsible for the fear to which you speak. It is for this reason alone that many places forbid talk of politics & religion.

    Of course in here we can talk about whatever we want. Whilst your beliefs may work for you and that 'you can do it' does in no way mean that it's going to work for others or that others can do it.

    That's the pious attitude I just posted about.

    Welcome To The Forum!
    Last edited by Ponder; 06-10-2018 at 04:34 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Chava22611 View Post
    Life should be lived without fears and worries. You shouldn't let a fear take over your daily basics and keep you from enjoying a life that has a purpose and full of joy. I used to be afraid of many things until I started a relationship with God , I gave him all my worries and fear and he took over them . I got my life back and my happiness back, if I can do it you can do it just trust him and watch it change your life together. You will finally be lifted from your problems and be free for fears. At the end you got a whole life a head of you that should be live by happiness and no worries. Hopefully this help you msg if you have any questions I be glad to help you.
    That's very true. We can entrust everything to God and live positively.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2013

    Just give it to god!

    Quote Originally Posted by IAmCamille View Post
    That's very true. We can entrust everything to God and live positively.
    Hello again IAmCamile.

    This is not a forum for advocate one's religion. None the less since there are those of you that are intent on spreading the Gospel, I am more than happy to dispel the pitfalls that blind faith brings.

    The problem with the 'Giving it to God' scenario is how it leads people, into a passing the buck mentality. Suddenly when things are not going one's way, it's then a case of it being the Devil's fault. It's a very convenient system of belief that allows people to shed themselves of responsibility. Happiness in this light is very much bubble and froth.

    It sells so well that professional extroverts have now high jacked this kind of charismatic approach selling happiness as depicted in the following spirit:

    Unsustainable but quite a hit! Always has people coming back for more.

    That's the Happiness Trap to the max. Now if we were to make ourselves our own GOD and truly 'let go' by facing up to the core issues that plague our life, then in that essence it could be said ... "that's taking ownership" ... with most online testimonials expressing more a resulting form peace as opposed to our modern day concept of happiness.

    For all the history I have had with Bible thumping politics, if I had a $ for every time I heard "Give it to God" I would indeed be a rich man! In all episodes when thing go wrong shortly after that ... It's then a case of:

    "The devil made me do it!"

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2013
    Sheeple, what to add more
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
    ― Rabindranath Tagore



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