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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2017

    Constant really scary nightmares!

    Hi everyone,

    Along with my anxiety if've been having really weird dreams for the past 3 months that give me really hard times.
    I don't have any idea if this is normal and it scares the hell out of me.

    I've been dreaming of deceased people, which makes me really anxious and brings panic attacks.*

    The dreams first started once in a month, then once every two weeks, then once a week and I am now having them almost every other day. I can't bare the craziness this brings in my head. It makes me so scared, thinking that might be a sign, a bad sign for me.

    I have no idea if I keep having those dreams because I am so scared of them. I try so bad not to have them and not to think about*them, but in stead I am having them more often.

    Has anyone else experienced this kind of dreams so often and intensively?

    I'd really appreciate if anyone joins this post and give me some advice. I can't take it no more.


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    yes, I go through spells of this, generally it is the result of a death of someone I knew and on one occasion it was the result of having seen someone die in a motorcycle accident( I did not know the guy) Just saw the accident and aftermath.

    Someone once told me I had some sort of gift and that these people came back to me to help them cross over, honestly I am not sure what I think about that but it did make me feel better about the dreams.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by gadguy View Post
    yes, I go through spells of this, generally it is the result of a death of someone I knew and on one occasion it was the result of having seen someone die in a motorcycle accident( I did not know the guy) Just saw the accident and aftermath.

    Someone once told me I had some sort of gift and that these people came back to me to help them cross over, honestly I am not sure what I think about that but it did make me feel better about the dreams.
    Hi gadguy,

    Thank you for replying, it's a bit of a relief!
    Did you really have those dreams so often like me?
    For how long have you been having them?

  4. #4
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    You aren't the only one. I had a period of time about 10 months ago where I was having terrible, terrible nightmares every single night. They were so morbid and awful, I wouldn't even want to share the details. But yes, this happened to me every single night for I believe 8 nights. It was quite bizarre. I am 27 years old and I'd probably only had a handful of nightmares up until that point.

    Fortunately, my counselor has an extensive medical and psychological background, with an expertise in anxiety disorder. She explained to me that part of the problem was likely my recent change in eating habits. During that period of time, I had began eating right before bed. When you go to sleep and your body begins metabolizing that food, it can create an increase in activity in your brain. For some, this can cause nightmares. I don't know if you have been doing this, but if so, I would recommend changing your eating habits.

    Also, it appears to me that your anxiety could be likely be causing this too. People who struggle with anxiety disorder have bodies are overly stressed. An overly stressed body can sometimes involuntarily release stress hormones into our systems - even when we are sleeping. When we are awake and stressed out our thoughts can take on a negative/ominous tone. The same is true when we are sleeping. Getting your bodies stress level down will help. I recommend trying to relax twice a day for 20 minutes each until your body calms down. You can do this in many ways - meditation, taking a warm bath with Epsom salts and listening to some relaxing music. There are audio recordings you can listen to shortly before bed that are relaxing, and many others. I often try to do a progressive muscle relaxation where i tense certain muscle groups one at a time and then relax them for about 15 seconds. Deep breathing before you do this helps too. The whole point is to get your body to calm down. It doesn't happen overnight, but faithfully practicing it will.

    Thise two factors helped me to get rid of my nightmares. I haven't had any since and that was about 10 months ago.

  5. #5
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    Maine, United States
    I used to have a lot of dreams at night, some of them nightmares...until I started taking psychiatric medications back in 2000.

    Since then, I rarely even remember having a dream, which I think is a nice problem to have.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by paomm View Post
    Hi gadguy,

    Thank you for replying, it's a bit of a relief!
    Did you really have those dreams so often like me?
    For how long have you been having them?
    I go in spells, sometimes no dreams for a while and then I can have a month or more of "Bad" dreams. Not necessarily concerning deceased people, but just awful, the worst recurring I have is that I have killed a coupl eof people and I hid the bodies and they are about to be found. This one freaks me out and I have a hard time some mornings convincing myself it was only a deam.

    I have been having dream since my early 20's, fist one involved my Grandmother who died when i was 10. She was trying to show/tell me something about the back of their old house. I had this dream a number of times. I am 52 today and I am curious as to what may be found when the old home stead is torn down.

    best wishes.



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