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  1. #1

    Is Social Anxiety A Symptom Of Something BIGGER???

    hey guys i wanted to share this with you:

    if this resonates with you or makes sense let me know... i recorded it yesterday to kindof go thru what my social anxiety led to.
    if you like my comments you can check out my little videos on anxiety and sobriety here:
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    ps: although i like to answer people and help them with anxiety... i am not even close to having it "all figured out" i'm just one out of 8 billion people navigating life to the best of my abilities... and i found some things that work for me :-) hope it helps you too.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Melbourne, Australia
    Thanks for sharing the video, Marcus

    I believe that anxiety is part of something "bigger". Here's an article along the same lines:

    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Spiritual awakening – Nice breakdown from a perspective of conscious awareness.
    Is not just tied to social situations as we can feel un uncomfortable in our homes whilst being subject to ongoing conditioning through spamming adds whilst surfing online, watching TV, down to answering the god damn phone with conditioning that knows no end. All this taking place whilst we are trying to be at peace within our homes.
    Authentic hey … Yea … True self rings for me but your term is just as good … I think less scary for those perplexed, challenged or just weirded out with spiritual terms.
    Nice butterfly man!!! : )
    Agreed … we don’t want to fight the flight or fight reactions that come from the bogus preconditioning, the conflicts that dwell deep within due to being told that entertaining questions outside the box is only for rouges, trouble makers and people considered just plain wrong.
    99% of my brain washing started in a church (the state just as conditioning) … only to be spat out with a various “difficulties” where my anxiety was no doubt part of something other than me; not sure I would call it “Bigger” than me. More so because I have come to see myself as always being this all-encompassing power that others refer to as GOD. It was the precondition and still current conditioning that takes place 24/7 that seeks to make us smaller by preaching to us to be more than what we already are. Sadly, this misconception is also rife in clinical practices throughout mental health. Revolving door policy – you sound like you understand.
    Not only does it lead to neurosis … it propagates impairments! → For those of us having battled with long term conflicts. If only I had been guided with such insights as you share here re spiritual enlighten so many years ago … instead of being referred to by my mother … as the Devil. Or so she would constantly whisper into the ear of my wife.

    Great presentation man. Everything you said I kind of said in my own little Vlog I uploaded today. Mine not so smoothly presented or tuned to help others as yours so clearly is.
    I liked and subscribed … be sure to check my new channel out … and likewise if you’re in tune; then you’re welcome to do the same.
    "...the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation" ~ Terrance McKenna → https://pondermovedhere.blogspot.com/

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    How's your channel doing these days, Marcus? Are you getting much engagement?

    The blackboard's giving me anxiety before I've even watched the vid. Flash backs to those old maths lessons at school.

    Will give it a watch nonetheless! Thanks for posting.
    Last edited by martin05; 05-06-2017 at 09:08 PM.



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