Hi everyone, im new here and this is my first post:
Im 17 and i have been diagnosed with social anxiety and i also think i have generalised anxiety but havent been diagnosed yet. ADHD also might be a things so let me beggin.
Ive reached an age where i need to decide what to do with my life and anxiety is not really helping. Im struggling so much with anxiety everyday im not even scared of specific social situatios because there is no specific im literally scared of everything and i dont leave my house, only if it is very important or my mother oblihgates me. Anxiety does accur during all day and i cant do nothing about it and i maybe go into therapy and the therapist already told me what i must do and it sounds imposible so scary i just get anxious by thinking of it or simply writting this. My mind is mest up right now so im sorry if i sound confusing, so the only reason why i want to go to treatment is because of my future and it scared me like hell. I dont know what the fuck to do with my life and next year im 18 where im supposed to life a life by myself and im not fucking ready. How am i ment to life a life if i cant even go outside. Another way to explain how severe my problem is: im even scared to ask my mum a simple question. And she said: you study or you work and earn money to pay the study place. If i dont know what to do with my life but also cant work bc its imposible wtf should i do?? Im so hoppeless right now, i just think of suicide but then i think that im a coward idiot bc i cant handle life also my fear of death keeps me away (im kinda glad of that). Also as i mentioned i also think i have ADHD which makes it really hard to study or live my life. Sometimes i feel like im in the wrong life... I apreciate any advice and thank you for reading this!!