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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Unhappy Work Related Anxiety

    Hi All

    I'm new here and this is my first ANXIETY related post so I hope I find some tips/advice.

    So I've always been a "worrier" since as far back as I can remember after suffering from bullying really. However, my worrying got worse about 3 years ago when my cousin who was one of my best friends passed away. I suffered with depression for about 3 months and was on medication for that time and had counselling too. Now, I find myself worrying, overthinking things and situations and I'm really paranoid most of the time.

    I work in a school supporting a child with Special Needs and I have absolutely loved the past year there. I am now on 6 weeks holiday (4 weeks left) and my anxiety is completely ruining my time off!

    There's one person at the school mainly, who makes me SO anxious. I know I can handle them but because they're"friends" with management I need to be very careful about what I say and how I approach them.

    The past two weeks of my time off has been me praying the holiday goes by slowly, telling myself "ooo thank goodness I've got 4 weeks left" and me worrying about what happens when I go back. I find myself close to tears sometimes and really have to compose myself. Butterflies, stomach flipping, loss of appetite. I've had a lot of good feedback from higher members of staff about me and my work but one of the main things I worry about is "What if the child I support moves school, will I lose my job?"

    I'm kind of rambling on (you can probably tell I'm anxious writing this)!

    I just wondered if anyone had any tips to help me enjoy the rest of my holiday, not worry about going back to work and to be a little bit more care free really.

    Anyone been in the same position?


    xXx C xXx

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Atlanta, Georgia US
    Maybe you can distract yourself, and take up some type of hobby, arts and crafts projects, just anything to focus yourself on the present. That helps me.



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