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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    What to do with my job?

    Hello, I'm new here, My name is Kat and I'm 25

    Maybe someone here can give me some advice.

    I have been "dealing" with anxiety and depression for about 10 years...
    I have found a great job 4 years ago that I like and allows me to work about 3-4 times a week (there are two very busy months in the year which I have to work longer hours but I manage to struggle through it knowing it doesn't last long)

    Recently my boss let me know one of the managers has been promoted and will be leaving, So she offered me her job as a manager.
    I probably should have thought about it more but I accepted the offer.

    It's only been a few days and I start to realize It's extremely difficult for me to work full time (5 days a week, sometimes can be 6)
    It's more hours and more pressure and I can't handle it! I have been having really bad panic attacks at night crying and not being able to sleep.

    I have scheduled a meeting with my boss to let her know it's very difficult for me to work full time.

    What can I tell her without letting her know about my anxieties?
    What if she offers me to go to my old job back? how will it look in the company that I got a promotion and got back to my old job?

    I even thought about quitting the job and looking for an easier part time job.

    What if she offer me to stay in this position but to work less days (unlikely) I don't know if I can handle the pressure of being a manager!

    I appreciate any advice. Thanks.
    Last edited by cinemasoul; 06-26-2016 at 01:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Atlanta, Georgia US
    If you feel sure you don't want this position, just let her know that working part-time worked much better for you than the full time position. You don't have to mention the anxiety issue. Just ask her if you can go back to your part time position and you would like very much to stay with the company. If she pushes you, just tell her you are trying to find just the right balance between your personal/work life. Don't worry about how it looks to others. They will forget about it in a month and things will move on.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Anne1221 View Post
    If you feel sure you don't want this position, just let her know that working part-time worked much better for you than the full time position. You don't have to mention the anxiety issue. Just ask her if you can go back to your part time position and you would like very much to stay with the company. If she pushes you, just tell her you are trying to find just the right balance between your personal/work life. Don't worry about how it looks to others. They will forget about it in a month and things will move on.
    Thank you Anne! that sound good for me, I'll think of the best way to put it into words, I don't want to sound ungrateful for the promotion.
    Any "normal" person my age would be happy to get this job but unfortunately I am not there yet..my anxiety still controls me not the other way around

    I hate it that whenever I talk to an authority (or just calling the bank or anything of the sort) I always panic,
    my heart starts beating really fast and I feel it pounding in my chest, dry mouth and all that



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