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  1. #1

    Question Has any one else had a sex related phobia?

    I used to have regular happy sex with my boyfriend. But, about three years ago something snapped. I suddenly became irrationally terrified of all things sex related. It started out where I could have sex with my boyfriend, but afterward I would be so worried about being pregnant even though I know it wouldn't be physically possible. Then I stopped having sex with my boyfriend and tried to give excuses to postpone any sex for as long as possible. But, I would still be crying every night terrified that I was knocked up. We ALWAYS ALWAYS used condoms, and i started taking birth control to keep my nerves down, but it didn't work. Then I started to have panic attacks during sex, so we stopped completely. I get so scared when I see babies, pregnant women, or children. I instantly start to think, "God that would be awful" then I have a small thought that will not go away of what if I am pregnant. I had to stop watching my favorite shows any time the story line of someone getting pregnant came up. I started to get scared of public bathrooms, the bathroom I share with my SO, the shower. I tuff through those but I don't think I should have to live like this. I get scared when I do any kind of sexual activity with my boyfriend, hand jobs, Blow jobs, It doesn't matter I still end up freaking the fuck out afterwards. I get scared of our bed sheets. My SO has always liked to sleep naked, but I just can't handle it and make him wear pajama pants. I get nervous when people touch me. Sometime's on particularly bad days I cant touch my SO, I'm scared that somehow semen will travel from him, through my pants and up into me and then I'll be pregnant. I get scared of door handles, faucet handles, chairs, etc. The other day I went to my psychologist's office and in the waiting room sat me and this woman who was nursing her baby. I was like in my own private hell. She was trying to get the baby to talk saying, "say mama, mama, ma...ma" and the baby was babbling nonstop. I held composure, but inside I was freaked. I almost left the office it was so bad. When the therapist finally called me into his office I balled my eyes out for the entire hour trying to talk to him very unsuccessfully. I tried to talk to a few friends about it to see if they feel similarly, but they always end up looking at me like wtf?. I tried talking to my boyfriend's mom about it and she could not understand what I was trying to say. I tried googling it and couldn't find anything other than like post-mortom depression, but it can't be that it cause I've never been pregnant and I don't have any kids. I just want to know, is there anyone else out there who deals with something similar.

  2. #2
    Well i think you have this reaction because you have a fear that you will get pregnant and this create a conflict in your subconstient mind and now the subconstient asociate sex with danger and thats way you feel anxious when you make sex

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  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    You need serious professional help. Talk to your therapist again, explain you have a pregnancy phobia and that you'd appreciate it if they could book you in at a time when there won't be pregnant or new mothers around. They are used to fulfilling requests like this.

    This phobia likely results from Obsessive Compulsive Thinking - your brain latched onto the idea 'wouldn't it be awful to get pregnant?' and it snowballed from there. Your anxiety is causing you to ignore all logic and reason.

    Write down NOW everything you have posted here and take it with you to the psych in case you find it difficult to speak again.

    In the meantime, ask yourself what the absolute worst thing is that could happen if you became pregnant - in other words, what is it that scares you so much? Really get to the root of the problem, i.e., 'I fear becoming pregnant because _____ *they're expensive/my parents would be upset/I'd lose my freedom/Labour is scary/I'd have to get an abortion/I'm not ready to be a parent', and so on. Then try saying to yourself: "If I were to become pregnant, I would handle with it."

    Because, you know...you would. You'd deal with it, whatever choice you wanted to make. You'd make a decision and then get on with it. The world wouldn't end. You wouldn't be the first person in that position, and you won't be the last.

    So please keep yourself calm with those thoughts, and get back to the psychologist ASAP. Good luck!



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