I felt the same way too about my sisters. Only started talking about my anxiety to them quite recently. I really did feel like i couldnt talk about this stuff with well almost everyone except 2 of my friends bcoz they were both suffering from anxiety and depression. It was a safe place. Still is with one of them.
I am quite empathic yes. I can't say it's the anxiety. I can just say it's your mind and body being fully aware of the people around it. Picking up on their energies n stuff. Really can't xplain it. Can u?
That's not true though about the feminists. Feminists share a common vision, aim and agenda but do not live and feel a uniform life. Heck dressing up sometimes is a feminist armour. I say embrace it
Just own it and don't feel any less of a feminist when u do.
No problem, u can always message all of that good stuff when u have the time
and i'll defntly read , I'd really like to hear ur story. Mine is pretty long too . I'd have to meassage it to u Emma. Nice to meet u too
I really wish i could give u a better response to ur message but i'm really caught up these days and night time, when i'm all sleepyy and drousy is really when i get to look at my laptop. I'll be travelling for the next week to perform . And so i'll be a bit silent . Hope to hear from u when i get back home.
Take care and stay positive no matter what.