So yea...six days ago I suffered THE most painful anxiety attack ever (my second one). I'm not even sure there was a triggering thought or feeling. All I know is that it was easily the most painful experience of my life. It was a nightmare beyond nightmares. I felt crippling fear and worry for no reason. followed by the feeling that I'm SUPPOSE to be dead. It was an eerie feeling that was causing powerful suicidal urges. Like I know I'm suppose to be dead but missed the memo...and the causing effect.
Physically, I felt burning hot flashes in the chest and the back of my neck. My arms and head feel heavy sometimes. And I'm constantly worried about my heart rate. Regardless, the following morning I went to a walk-in clinic and the doctor sent an "urgent referral" for a shrink and enough lorazepam for 1 week. I take Cymbalta at 60mg every night for depression and have done so for more than 5 years...So I don't think the Cymbalta is a problem.
Even so, now I get smaller anxiety attacks. Not the left-over anxiety from the original attack, but anxiety that triggers over thoughts of being lazy, over too much sleeping or not doing something I told myself I would get done. I'm so scared that I'm just gonna keep getting these attacks. Alas...I AM resisting to the best of my abilities. I've started cardio, drawing more and connecting more with others. And ummm...yup. That's me in a nut shell right now.
Waddaya guys think? Any ideas to share with the new guy (