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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Diagon Alley

    Unhappy constantly checking my body

    Here we go again. Once one obsession with anxiety dies down, another rears its ugly head.
    I am trying REALLY hard not to google, and just wait until my upcoming doctor appointments to discuss my current issues. But this has led to me constantly checking my areas of concern and honing in on it mentally. When I get distracted, I don't notice the specific pains or aches....but at night when I am trying to sleep or sitting at my desk I am focusing on them 100% and I believe, making them worse. I have tried practicing mindfulness, but it has been unhelpful because I am in such a flap already. So instead I go to the bathroom at work and check my body and the certain spots that are "hurting" or uncomfortable. I really want reassurance I am OK, so I start to google and come completely undone.
    Does anyone else out here obsessively check their body, certain parts at one time, and their focus makes the pain or discomfort multiply? I am tired of not knowing the difference between reality and anxiety and a mixture of the two.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    I know exactly what you mean. Being hyper aware of every little sensation in your body can be so annoying and stressful. Used to happen to me a lot. Still does from time to time, but I have definitely been able to decrease it. You aren't alone in what you're feeling. I know how nearly impossible it can be sometimes to convince yourself that everything is fine physically. It gets better. It just takes the right people guiding you in the right directions. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I have found several things that have personally helped me. Good luck. Stay strong.



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