It is very common to have pins and needles for long periods of time after an anxiety/panic attack. I had my first panic attack on August 8, 2015 and the pins and needle sensation lingered around for months. I would get them in my legs, hands, feet, and even around my lips at times. Once I took my eased my mind from letting it scare me, they slowly disappeared. I still get the sensation from time to time though. Hand in there. We will beat this horrid disease!!!
I'm glad to hear that you are ok. I actually never went in to the Neurologist. My focused changed when there was some abnormalities with my liver blood tests. An ultrasound showed benign cysts which was an incredible relief. I am still struggling though with very weak legs and a high resting heart rate which then makes the anxiety worse because all I can concetrate on is the rapid beating of my heart which then makes my chest tight and whatnot. There were a few days where I literally thought I was going to die. Then last week I saw an excellent therapist and he made me feel amazing. I am still struggling from time to time but the doctor proscribed xanax with I have been taking in small doses the past few days. Let me tell you, it works...Well for me it does so far. I feel a bit sluggish when I take it but it sure helps me to stop worrying about a million things at once. I may get that MRI one day but the tingling went away for the most part so I am assuming it was a symptom of anxiety.
So two months after I started getting the tingling, pins and needles and nerve pain I finally had an MRI done. Tests came back clean. No neurological issues. I suppose I need to accept that anxiety can do some pretty terrible things to our bodies.
I am coping with anxiety with the Natural pen. It has been a God Send.
I got tired of the "happy pills" and knew there had to be a all natural remedy for anxiety.
Try it Natural_pen 1024 x 768).jpg
Last edited by James Waide; 04-19-2016 at 07:03 PM.
I had major tingling and pain in my feet and ankles when I was first 'diagnosed' with anxiety. It was worrying but it went away after a few weeks!
Hi Everyone, I stumbled across this thread incidentally after what I can only describe as a bizarre episode of "nerve" pain last night that lasted for a few hours. I had electric shock sensations in the upper part of my foot that were quite intense and very brief and lasted maybe a few hours total. I have suffered from extreme health anxiety for many years but never had this feeling before. Just had my physical a few weeks ago and all my bloodwork was completely normal so I have a hard time believing this is something related to my kidneys or liver. Does this at all sound similar to what you experienced? Knock on wood so far today I've felt fine but I am very nervous about what could have caused these sensations.