Hi everyone,
I have suffered from depression and anxiety my whole life. Over the years I have spent countless time learning ways to overcome it. I've gone through so much turmoil to learn these things so I wish to bring them to you so you don't have to toil like I did. .So if you are looking for safe, easy and effective tools for naturally feeling happier, calmer, relaxed and optimistic then I am confident that at least one thing I mention will be of use to you. I am new here and have not read other posts yet so apologies if I mention things that have been stated already. I am still learning many more things and I may have forgotten some things but I want to get down in writing everything I have stored in my mind up until now
1) Mantra Chanting - This one I never understood for a long time. I always thought it was weird and felt unwilling to try it. I always thought it was just some kind of prayer. What I came to learn is that mantra chanting actually has an effect on your energy field. The syllables create particular vibrations or frequencies that help re-align you. You are in dis-ease when something inside you is not vibrating at it's natural healthy state. Mantra chanting restores the harmony within you. If you'd like some scientific proof do a youtube search of 'cymatics' and you will see that different vibrations create different effects. Plus there is also other scientific evidence on google. OM is the vibration of all creation. You've probably heard a monk chant it at some point and for good reason. If you don't want to do longer more complicated chants just start with OOOOOMMMMMM saying it gently and peacefully. You can do it out loud or in your mind. Doing it mentally is more powerful and you don't have to worry about someone hearing you and thinking you're weird
2) Gyan Mudra - Have you ever seen a picture of a monk meditating and his finger tips are touching? I never understood what that was. I always thought it was just something to do with your hands while meditating. What I came to learn is that these hand gestures actually do have an effect on you. Mudras are also known as yoga for the hands. This one is the cornerstone mudra(hand gesture). You simply gently touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb (not nail touching nail) for both hands. The other 3 fingers are gently outstretched. When you do this it triggers a healing, relaxing and uplifting effect on your whole being. You will feel happier, calmer and your spirits will be boosted. Do this whenever you like and as long as you'd like. You can do it while watching TV or you can have your hands in your pockets in public while doing it. This technique is so incredibly simple, easy and yet very powerful. Seriously, try it right now and tell me you don't feel better after 5 minutes of doing it. It's also good if you're having a panic attack or you need to diffuse some kind of nervousness. There are many other mudras that have different healing effects on the body/mind but start with this one since it's the main one and you can research other ones if you'd like.
Note: The above 2 suggestions do not need to be only done while in meditation. You can use them together or individually throughout the day whenever and wherever you are.
3) Magnets - Magnetism is very beneficial for your health. The whole Earth is one big magnet and is necessary for our well being. Astronauts need to bring magnets with them or else they start getting sick because they are so far away from the Earth's field. Your body has magnetism flowing through it and so exposing yourself to magnets can help naturally bring you into alignment and greater health and well being. And the best part is you don't have to do any kind of work. The magnets will do all the work for you! You can get a bracelet and wear it all the time however they aren't particularly strong. I have larger static magnets that I use which are more powerful. If you try the larger static magnets expose yourself to the North side because that is the side more conducive for healing. Also if you get the bigger ones keep them away from the TV, computer or other electronics.
4) I Love You's - This I only started doing recently but I feel like it's already having an immediate effect. All pain and unhappiness derives from one common denominator, a lack of love within. Normally we seek to find love from others but when they don't we feel worthless, lonely etc. No one else can give this to you though. You have to give it to yourself. Healing starts with self-love. I know it sounds a little hokey and hallelujah which is why I overlooked it for so long but it's the way out of the darkness. There is no other way. Your wounds and emotional disturbances and depression are showing you where love needs to be directed in order for it to be healed. Focus on your heart or other parts of your body if you feel there is an imbalance there or just to your whole self in general and simply say in your mind "I love you" gently and warmly. Do this 10-20 times and see if you don't start feeling brighter and happier almost immediately. Just by sending pure unconditional love into yourself your body/mind/spirit will soak it up like a sponge and direct it to areas of damage. You can heal any condition in you just by saying "I love you" to yourself many times a day.
5) Kratom - This is a plant indigenous to Thailand. It has different effects being slow, moderate or fast. The slow ones instill calmness, the fast ones bring energy and the moderate are a little bit of both. I started using kratom a couple of months ago and it has been a tremendous help to my mood. It's now apart of my regular routine and I can't see myself parting ways with it. I have used many other supplements in the past but this has been the most effective for me so far. I also haven't developed a tolerance yet. From what I know it is safe and does not have any side effects. I haven't had any issues with it other than it tastes it a bit earthy. If you're looking for a natural substance that is a safe alternative to medication then I would recommend kratom. It's nice to have something to fall back on when you absolute need some kind of outlet to feel happier.
I hope this helps. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. If you were helped in any way by these recommendations please let me know as I would be pleased to hear from you!![]()