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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Unsure as to what my doctor meant?


    I am a twenty year old girl currently attended college away from my city of residence. Back on Christmas break, my doctor back home wrote me a one month prescription for anti-anxiety medication, as I suffer from severe anxiety, telling me that I needed to get a doctor in the state I attend college (Massachusetts). He then proceeded to tell me that if I run out of the medication, that I should go to an urgent care clinic to receive a refill. Well, I am now on my last 3 pills of my anti-anxiety medication which should have been a month supply but I stretched it out to a two month supply by only taking one instead of two a day (which wasn't helpful during high anxiety days). Now I am getting more anxiety attacks than usual scared about thinking of how I go to an urgent care clinic looking for medication I genuinely need without looking like I am a pill popper which is the last thing I would ever do as I have seen drug addiction in family members before and it scares me a lot.

    One helpful piece of info, I have an appointment with a doctor on March 16th up here where my college is and I plan on definitely bringing up my anxiety issues and give the info to my therapist I saw before I stopped going as therapy (woman who diagnosed me) did not help me. It only wasted an hour a week for 8 weeks on solely talking about my week not my actual issues in my past and present that bother me. Also, I scheduled the appointment for my new doctor as soon as I arrived back in Massachusetts. The problem as to why I haven't gotten in sooner, is most doctors around here have wait times of at least 4 weeks or longer, due to high population density.

    If I wait it out to March 16th, I only have 5 more anti-anxiety pills and fooling around with which days I could take them or not makes me have extreme panic attacks worse than normal. With pain in chest, shaking, heat flashes, and weakness before normal panic attack symptoms. Plus, I don't know how to bring up my anxiety problems and needing medication to help me not have attacks to a new doctor. It causes me anxiety attacks thinking of it, I don't want to seem like a pill popper and get denied medication and have to suffer worse attacks which bring out my depression even more.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    You need medication and you need it now. The only person who thinks you're a pill popper is you

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by patriotsgal View Post

    I am a twenty year old girl currently attended college away from my city of residence. Back on Christmas break, my doctor back home wrote me a one month prescription for anti-anxiety medication, as I suffer from severe anxiety, telling me that I needed to get a doctor in the state I attend college (Massachusetts). He then proceeded to tell me that if I run out of the medication, that I should go to an urgent care clinic to receive a refill. Well, I am now on my last 3 pills of my anti-anxiety medication which should have been a month supply but I stretched it out to a two month supply by only taking one instead of two a day (which wasn't helpful during high anxiety days). Now I am getting more anxiety attacks than usual scared about thinking of how I go to an urgent care clinic looking for medication I genuinely need without looking like I am a pill popper which is the last thing I would ever do as I have seen drug addiction in family members before and it scares me a lot.

    One helpful piece of info, I have an appointment with a doctor on March 16th up here where my college is and I plan on definitely bringing up my anxiety issues and give the info to my therapist I saw before I stopped going as therapy (woman who diagnosed me) did not help me. It only wasted an hour a week for 8 weeks on solely talking about my week not my actual issues in my past and present that bother me. Also, I scheduled the appointment for my new doctor as soon as I arrived back in Massachusetts. The problem as to why I haven't gotten in sooner, is most doctors around here have wait times of at least 4 weeks or longer, due to high population density.

    If I wait it out to March 16th, I only have 5 more anti-anxiety pills and fooling around with which days I could take them or not makes me have extreme panic attacks worse than normal. With pain in chest, shaking, heat flashes, and weakness before normal panic attack symptoms. Plus, I don't know how to bring up my anxiety problems and needing medication to help me not have attacks to a new doctor. It causes me anxiety attacks thinking of it, I don't want to seem like a pill popper and get denied medication and have to suffer worse attacks which bring out my depression even more.
    I have been in your boat, I had fired a DR because of never ordering test we had discussed or for whatever reason not renewing prescriptions in a timely manor when needed..example not renewing a lexapro prescription until 2 weeks after prescription had ran out. I was going through some major withdrawal symptoms...barely functional. It took me about 6 months to get a new Dr...in the mean time I used an Urgent Care center for medical needs. They were very easy to deal with and I to felt like I was going to look like a pill popper, but they made me feel comfortable until I located a new GP. I found a new GP and had my records transferred to him...there was no issue with the meds I was taking...DRs see a lot...so don't worry. Best wishes. Good luck.



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